Primary Applicant (Husband), Systems Analyst
29yo, 8+ yrs work
10.1.2011 - Signed with Respall Migration Agency (2 adults, 2 kids)
Skilled Independent, changed to State Sponsored South Australia midway due to work commitments
12.21.2012 - Lodged DIAC Application.
4.22.2013 - Visa granted.
12.18.2013 - Arrived Adelaide.
Thank You, Lord. Paying it forward now.
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Regional Work, Life and Experience
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Posts: 13Member
Joined: Jul 20, 2012
Primary Applicant (Husband), Systems Analyst
29yo, 8+ yrs work
10.1.2011 - Signed with Respall Migration Agency (2 adults, 2 kids)
Skilled Independent, changed to State Sponsored South Australia midway due to work commitments
12.21.2012 - Lodged DIAC Application.
4.22.2013 - Visa granted.
12.18.2013 - Arrived Adelaide.
Thank You, Lord. Paying it forward now.