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Recommended Camp sites near Sydney?

multitaskingmultitasking North RydePosts: 544Member
Guys.. balak namin mag family camping... baka may recommended camp sites kayo near Sydney.. mga 1 to 1.5 hrs drive lang sana...


May 2012 - Revalidated ACS Application (System Analyst)
9/1/2012 - Taken My 3rd IELTS Exam
9/14/2012 - Got IELTS results: L=8,R=8.5,W=7,S=7 .. :-) .. pag may tiyaga..may nilaga
9/15/2012 - Updated my EOI = 65 points (visa 190);60 (VISA 189)
10/10/2012 - Australia Federal Police Clearance Submitted Online
10/11/2012 - FBI Clearance Sent Through DHL
10/22/2012 - Received scan copy of AFP clearance from my friend in Melbourne
11/15/2012 - Received Invitation for 189 (about 2 months after 60 pts effectivity)
11/24/2012 - 189 VISA Lodged
11/29/2012 - DIAC Ack :-)
12/4/2012 - Received FBI clearance. Friend in US sent scanned copy
12/17/2012 - CO Assigned
04/17/2013 Visa 189 Granted.. Thank you Lord...
08/09/2013 - Flight to Sydney through PAL
08/10/2013 - Touchdown Sydney
08/12/2013 - Start of Job Hunt in Australia
08/26/2013 - First day of work... THANK YOU LORD...
07/16/2015 - Transferred to my second job/company
Pray, Hope AND Don't Worry - Padre Pio


  • cheryllcheryll North Ryde
    Posts: 3Member
    Joined: Jul 27, 2011
  • TotoyOZresidentTotoyOZresident Posts: 1,327Member, Moderator
    Joined: Jun 28, 2011

    "Wise men learn from their mistakes, but wiser men learn from the mistakes of others."
    'Success is when you finished what you have started."

    If you’re looking for Church in Canberra ACT Australia and you want to fellowship with Christian Filipino Australian.
    Come and join us in Jesus Is Lord Church Canberra service every Sunday at 10:30AM to 12:30PM
    Where: 53 Georgina Crescent, Kaleen ACT 2617
    (Back of Kaleen Shopping Centre)
    For more information, please PM me or visit

    "To God be the glory"

  • hopefullyhopefully Quezon City
    Posts: 82Member
    Joined: Apr 07, 2015
    Dear Chat mates,

    Can anyone here give me a taste of Sydney?
    What's are the modes of transportation there?
    Madali lang ba sundan kahit 1st timer ka lang at probability na maliligaw ka sa pupuntahan mo?

    Thank you po for your insights and comments. God bless
  • hopefullyhopefully Quezon City
    Posts: 82Member
    Joined: Apr 07, 2015

    Can anyone here give me a taste of Sydney?
    What are the modes of transportation there?
    Madali lang ba sundan kahit 1st timer ka lang at probability na maliligaw ka sa pupuntahan mo?

    Thank you po for your insights and comments. God bless
  • LittleFingerLittleFinger Manila, Philippines
    Posts: 75Member
    Joined: Apr 12, 2014
    @hopefully madali lang basta me googlemaps ka un lang sundan mo kahit mgcommute ka.
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