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Fiancee VISA - Final Stage Questions

Manila_Sunset_StoreManila_Sunset_Store SydneyPosts: 13Member
edited May 2012 in Other Migration Topic
Hi everyone,
I am asking on behalf of my friend who is marrying my wifes cousin from Manila.
He keeps asking me questions, but things were way different back when I got married (yes we had progressed beyond horse and cart by then :-) ).

Anyway, he has a Fiancee VISA application in. It was lodged in November last year and just recently he recieved an email saying that it had reached the final stage.
He was all excited and was asking me what this means. Sadly I have no idea.
Has forum member gone through this and do you have an idea how close it is when you get this notification?

Do both of them still have to go through some interview and, in his case, can it be done here in Australia?

Thank you / Maraming salamat

PS- I humbly apologise if this has been brought up before. I just joined to ask some questions for him, but it took me 30 minutes just to work out how to post - let alone try to search :-) Apologies in advance.

Philippine Railway Historical Society
Manila Sunset Convenience Store (Narwee)


  • mokona14mokona14 Mandaluyong
    Posts: 89Member
    Joined: Feb 19, 2012
    i really want to give an idea but sadly im only on the first stage :( of fiance visa,.hope theres have some forumer will give a knowledge about that ,.
  • Manila_Sunset_StoreManila_Sunset_Store Sydney
    Posts: 13Member
    Joined: May 11, 2012
    Actually it turned out to be only about a month.
    She finally got a 'yes' answer and will be here on July 11th.

    Philippine Railway Historical Society
    Manila Sunset Convenience Store (Narwee)

  • mokona14mokona14 Mandaluyong
    Posts: 89Member
    Joined: Feb 19, 2012
    how nice :) congratsss happy life TC
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