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Room for Rent in Melbourne

scann3rscann3r MelbournePosts: 8Member
edited August 2014 in Housing & Rentals
Are you looking for a room for a long / short term stay in Melbourne? We have available room for you, just pm me or contact me 0435072005 or email me [email protected] if interested. Thanks!

- Located at Clayton, Melbourne, Victoria
- Fully Furnished
- All utilities (water,electricity,gas) are included in the rent
- Unlimited internet
- Staying with young Filipino Couple (no kids)
- Walking distance to the market, coles, restaurants, church and schools (5-10 minutes walk)
- Walking distance to train station (5-10 minutes walk)
- 28 minutes train trip to Melbourne CBD
- Non-smoking
- no pets
- 150AUD/week
- Available now


  • jepot08jepot08 Melbourne
    Posts: 6Member
    Joined: Nov 26, 2014
    hi po! is the room still available? couple po kame arriving on february. please advise po if pwde.. thanks!
  • Ana_MV_PascuaAna_MV_Pascua Auckland
    Posts: 5Member
    Joined: Oct 26, 2012
    Hi po, arriving Feb-15 din po ako. Straight to work ako, Docklands. Pwede po bang makisiksik worse case scenario?
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