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Do i need to attend PDOS?

yen84yen84 Quezon CityPosts: 3Member
Im married to a british guy who is hving a long stay temporary visa 457.....his company hired an agent there in melbourne to process my visa..i already submitted all therequirements... .And my husband said they will attached me on his visa...but my visa will bcome like the visa of my husband....What i want to ask i still need to attend PDOS, even i attended GCP in CFO already?


  • sunflowersunflower Brisbane
    Posts: 438Member
    Joined: May 10, 2015
    If your passport already has a CFO sticker, then you don't have to attend the PDOS anymore, since it doesn't have an expiration date. (Read more here:


    11/Apr/15: IELTS-IDP AU (L: 8.5, R: 8.5, W: 7.5, S: 8.0)
    14/May/15: Lodged AITSL Application
    14/Jul/15: Positive Assessment from AITSL
    24/Jul/15: Submitted EOI (60 pts.)
    6/Sep/15: Received ITA
    19/Sep/15: Lodged Visa 189
    16/Oct/15: Lodged documents for Teacher Registration
    27/Oct/15: CO Allocated (Team Adelaide)
    10/Dec/15: Visa Grant :)
    12/Feb/16: Became a Registered Teacher in QLD
    5/Jun/16: Big Move to Oz!
    11/Jun/16: Hired as a Kindergarten Teacher

    "Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadows. It's what the sunflowers do." -Helen Keller

  • fgsfgs Cooper Basin
    Posts: 1,161Member
    Joined: Nov 12, 2013
    CFO/PDOS is not required for temporary visa holders like 457
  • yen84yen84 Quezon City
    Posts: 3Member
    Joined: Feb 14, 2016
    Sis Sunflower i dnt hve sticker yet coz my visa didnt arrived yet...and also i dnt need the sticker yet coz they told me in CFO...i cn only get the sticker if we will stay for good in UK which we cnt yet coz my hubby usually tranfers from different countries...thank sis anyway for the info..
  • yen84yen84 Quezon City
    Posts: 3Member
    Joined: Feb 14, 2016
    fgs..thanks for the info...but still i guess i need the GCP from from the CFO coz i hve a foreigner husband..thanks for the info that i dont need to attend PDOS anymore..
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