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available room for rent

seb04seb04 adelaidePosts: 37Member
edited October 2015 in Accommodations
one room available for rent.. 15 mins bus going to the City, 5 mins walk to bus stop..

$130/wk all bills included (internet, electric, water, gas) 2 weeks deposit, 2 weeks advance


  • philtajoneraphiltajonera Adelaide
    Posts: 23Member
    Joined: Jul 10, 2015
    hello po. can I know which part of SA po eto? north, south etc? thank you
  • seb04seb04 adelaide
    Posts: 37Member
    Joined: May 26, 2014
    sa north..clearview ung suburb..ito number ko sakali may mga inquiries ka pa 0435178479..thanks

  • janicevmanalojanicevmanalo Sydney
    Posts: 8Member
    Joined: Dec 26, 2015
    Hi just want to ask if you have vacant room po for couple? What your exact place po :) We' ll arrived on April 4 po hope you help us
  • seb04seb04 adelaide
    Posts: 37Member
    Joined: May 26, 2014
    hello janice, walang vacant room this time for couple..single room lang cya baka may kakilala ka ma refer mo din sakin..thanks
  • KrisQKrisQ Adelaide, Sout Australia
    Posts: 158Member
    Joined: Nov 20, 2015
    @seb04 hello,ilang tao yan sa isang house ba or unit?

    Pathway to Student Dependent Visa 2017
    April 5,2017- Submitted Dependent Child Application to Study
    at International Education Services, Department for Education and Child Development
    April 6,2017- Received Letter Offer for Enrolment of my Son
    April 7,2017- Paid Tuition Fees and Upgraded Single Coverage insurance to Family Cover (from Allianz OSHC to BUPA OSHC Family Advantage
    April 10,2017- Lodged Application online SubClass 500 Subsequent Entrant for Husband and Son and received HAP no. for medicals
    April 11,2017- Immi Acknowledgement Email
    April 12,2017- Medicals Done at Nationwide Makati
    May 10,2017 - Student Dependants Visa Granted( Subsequent entrant)

    • The dependant's visa are also issued by the same case officer who issued my student visa in 2016*
      May 18,2017 - Arrived in Adelaide =)

    Pathway to Student Visa 2016
    March 18,2016- Consulted and Submitted all documents to AECC Global Makati SVP 573
    March 22,2016- Submitted application to Le Cordon Bleu Australia for Master in Int. Hospitality Management
    March 24,2016- Hap No. received via ImmiAccount (for medicals)
    March 30,2016- Offer Letter received from Le Cordon Bleu Australia
    March 30,2016-Completed Medicals at Nationwide, Makati
    April 4,2016- Paid Course Fee and OSHC
    April 13,2016 - Schedule to take PTE Academic Exam at Makati
    April 13,2016 - Received COE from Le Cordon Bleu Australia
    April 15,2016- PTE Academic Results released (passed)
    April 18,2016- AECC Global Makati lodge application at VFS
    April 25,2016- VFS Global replied to email and sent VLN No. to use to track application
    April 26,2016- Received Student Acknowledgment Letter from Australian Embassy c/o Glaiza
    May 3,2016 - student Visa subclass 573 Svp Granted!(thank you,Lord!)
    June 20,2016 - Flight to Adelaide, Australia

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