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Looking for room/ roomshare in Sydney

BagonglumaBagongluma Quezon CityPosts: 9Member

My name's Lawrence I'm a 21 years old male from the Philippines and I'm set to migrate to Australia this month of May. I am in need of a place to stay, hopefully until i find work(won't be picky kahit bagger at a grocery store, cashier in retail, etc...) and while I am working. I am a college graduate and I am legally considered as an Australian Citizen. I know how to clean after myself i.e. washing the dishes, sweeping and moping the floors, ironing my own clothes, and I know how to cook basic meals.

I hope we can further talk about the possibility of living here. You can contact me thru email : [email protected] or simply comment on the post.

Thank you!


  • wela04wela04 Sydney
    Posts: 56Member
    Joined: Feb 19, 2011
    Hi. Just asking if you have found a place to stay?
  • KDGKDG Mandaluyong
    Posts: 5Member
    Joined: May 22, 2016
    @wela04 Hi! Do you know any available rooms for rent (couple) in Sydney?
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