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Tourist V holder to fiancé visa

Pam PilapilPam Pilapil cebu, philippinesPosts: 10Member
edited March 2017 in Visitor - Tourist Visa
Hi, I'm currently still in Oz, with 3 mos multiple entry visa good for a yr. Just wanted to know your take on this if there's any way we can apply for fiance visa while I'm here. Ive read kasi na when applying for fiance visa, dapat outside Oz ka. Is there any way we could apply for another kind of visa?
Pls help, I badly need your advice guys. My 3 mo stay will be this Apr 22 and if this won't work, exiting to Bali will be our last option, which is risky kasi mag dedepend na yan sa officer Don sa Bali if they will let me enter Oz again.


  • PlayaPlaya Sydney
    Posts: 4Member
    Joined: May 18, 2017
    Prospective marriage visa is offshore. Walang onshore :( the closest you can get is partner visa but it would require for you to be married or living together for at least 12 mos. plus need pa proofs like joint bank account, shared rent, etc.
  • MEGMEG Bangkok
    Posts: 4Member
    Joined: May 20, 2017
    good afternoon po .okey lang po ba kapag walang joint bank account?
  • Pam PilapilPam Pilapil cebu, philippines
    Posts: 10Member
    Joined: Jan 16, 2017
    @Playa thanks po.
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