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Fully furnished room for rent-near Marion Shopping Center

aam21aam21 AdelaidePosts: 14Member
Fully furnished room available now for female tenant. Across the street from David Jones entrance of Marion Shopping Center, close to Marion Bus Interchange, Marion Library and SA Aquatic. Few minutes to Flinders Medical Center and Flinders Uni by bus. Minutes to UniSA, Adelaide Uni and city by train (Oaklands Railway station) or bus M44. $150/week all inclusive of bills. Address is 280 Diagonal Rd, Oaklands Park 5048. SMS or call Anna at 0422018753, email [email protected]


  • pinkpink SA
    Posts: 499Member
    Joined: Oct 20, 2015
    Hello! Will you accept a family of 3 temporarily? Thanks!

    Occupation: Accountant 190/75pts

    28.12.15 IELTS - Unsuccessful
    23.02.16 PTE - Successful 10 pts
    23.04.16 CPAA positive skills assessment
    11.05.16 CPAA positive employment assessment (minus 5 yrs for EA experience) :(
    12.05.16 EOI 189-65points and190 NSW-70points
    23.05.16 PTE take 2 for 20 points - unsuccessful
    22.06.16 PTE take 3 for 20 points - unsuccessful
    01.08.16 Sent appeal to CPAA to reconsider EA experience
    05.08.16 Submitted SA 190 application under chain migration
    07.09.16 CPAA positive result of appeal/Updated EOI 189/70; 190/75
    16.09.16 NSW nomination - will let this expire
    28.09.16 SA approval/ITA 190 received
    17.10.16 Medicals at SLEC BGC
    01.11.16 Lodged
    30.11.16 Received Immi Assessment Commenced/CO allocation email
    11.01.17 DG
    16.04.17 Big move

  • malousolasmalousolas Manila
    Posts: 18Member
    Joined: Oct 22, 2016
    Still avilable?
  • aam21aam21 Adelaide
    Posts: 14Member
    Joined: Mar 18, 2015
    @malousolas above unit is no longer available..but there's another one po----Student room for rent in a share house, $135/week inclusive of bills and internet at 1 Crew St, Oaklands Park near Marion Shopping Center, Flinders Uni, FMC, SA Aquatic and Marion Library. 5 minutes to bus stop and train to city. Contact Anna at 0422018753. Just move in, available now.
  • malousolasmalousolas Manila
    Posts: 18Member
    Joined: Oct 22, 2016
    @aam21 thanks. nakakuha na ako ng unit.
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