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how strict is 3 months stay?

brosiabrosia SydneyPosts: 47Member
how do they count 3 months stay? my sister is flying here on July 26, and want to fly out on Oct 28... consider na po ba yun as overstaying?


  • amsaradponamsaradpon Sydney
    Posts: 2Member
    Joined: Jun 20, 2017
    3 months start on the day she arrives in Australia. If she will arrive by July 27 (night flight kunwari ang July 26) then she needs to exit by Oct 27.
  • heycoachputmeinheycoachputmein australia
    Posts: 40Member
    Joined: Oct 10, 2017
    brosia said:

    how do they count 3 months stay? my sister is flying here on July 26, and want to fly out on Oct 28... consider na po ba yun as overstaying?

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