Ad space available
reach us at [email protected].
Major update has been completed. Please help to report any abnormality that you are facing (in case there is any) to [email protected] . Thank you for your continued support guys!

Room for rent: North Shore NSW. Available on mid September NSWPosts: 6Member
Location is in Thornleigh NSW, walking distance (10 to 15 min walk) to Normanhurst train station.
- 50 meters away from bus stop straight to Hornsby or 5min ride to Normanhurst Station
- 15 mins away to Westfield Hornsby
- 180/week inclusive of electricity, gas and water bills. Unlimited internet connection.
- Room is furnished with built-in wardrobe
- Preferably single and female


  • MumVengMumVeng NSW
    Posts: 212Member
    Joined: Jul 08, 2016
    Hello! How much?


    TOTAL POINTS: 55/60
    (Age:30 | Education: 15 | English: 10 (Preparing for PTE to get 20) | Experience: 0)

  • destinedtobedestinedtobe Singapore
    Posts: 2Member
    Joined: Jan 14, 2016
    Would you consider a male for short term stay, about 6-7 weeks? Let me know po, thanks!
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