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Looking for a place to rent (2nd wk of Sept)

kkierkkier PhilippinesPosts: 7Member
Hi! We're looking for a place to rent for at least a week this September.

We're actually on an apartment hunt but it seems impossible to apply without inspecting/viewing the properties first so we really need a place to stay (short term) while doing so.

We're a family of three (on our early 30s, professionals, with a 4 yr old daughter).

Thanks very much!


  • plokieplokie Singapore
    Posts: 40Member
    Joined: Nov 20, 2012
    Hi Kkier..just wondering if ever you got a place and want to sublet one room let me arriving this Oct 10 and will be working in Sefton/regents park area...


    Email me at [email protected]
  • kkierkkier Philippines
    Posts: 7Member
    Joined: Mar 04, 2016
    @plokie Hi! Sorry, we won't sublet a room. But if you have Facebook, try searching "Shared flats, rooms, sublet, accomodation Sydney", there's lots of ads there. :) Hope you'll find a great place.
  • plokieplokie Singapore
    Posts: 40Member
    Joined: Nov 20, 2012
    @kkier thanks for the tip. I will try and search now... =)
  • npnapolesnpnapoles Sydney, australia
    Posts: 4Member
    Joined: May 14, 2017
    Hi i have a 1BR flat with car space in north sydney near Mater hospital, it is located at 11 Rocklands Rd., Wollstonecraft, for inquiries please mssg me at 0434194013
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