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Urgent, I need help please, I don't know what to do..

mikalmikal MelbournePosts: 2Member
2 close friends of mine have disappeared. We always have daily contact but I have heard nothing since Monday. I'm scared something bad has happened..
Joyce and Rona live in Southville 9, Pinugay Rizal. Rona has been very sick and Joyce and I have been looking after her. On 30th December Joyce was in a bad tricycle accident in Taytay, the driver was killed. Joyce came home from hospital (I have seen photo's, she was lucky to survive) last weekend and Rona was looking after her. The last contact I had was on Monday, Joyce's birthday, where we discussed their plans for her birthday celebrations. I've heard nothing since, I'm scared something has happened to them.
I can't find anywhere contact details for the Police or the Barangay Captain in Pinugay. I have their full names and address. I don't know what to do. I need advice on what to do please. I am very stressed..
Thank you


  • mikalmikal Melbourne
    Posts: 2Member
    Joined: Jan 19, 2018
    Please, can somebody give me some ideas on what to do.... :-(
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