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Room for rent in Thornlie 120/week w/ ref,tv & aircon inside

choc29choc29 PerthPosts: 1Member
edited September 2012 in Housing & Rentals
Hi. Im helping my landlady to look for a female pinay renter. The room is furnished with single bed, ref, tv and aircon. It is in a very spacious house close to forrestlake shopping center and bus stops. Quite and clean neighborhood. Contact nyo po ako so I can pass the message to her... 0428-946-069.. Salamat


  • masukistamasukista Mandaluyong
    Posts: 4Member
    Joined: Sep 10, 2012
    para po sa lalake baka meron ho kayong alam, kakadating ko lang po dito sa brisbane last 17 september so kakailanganin ko po ng matitirhan malapit lang sa city... thanks po
  • xtine99xtine99 Sydney
    Posts: 29Member
    Joined: Nov 23, 2012
    Hi choc 29, Is this room still available for rent? How much is the rent. I am single mother with 13 yr old daughter.
  • gmartinigmartini Sydney
    Posts: 3Member
    Joined: Nov 15, 2012
    I have a available room for rent in my house in Willetton, WA, 20 minutes from Perth. PM me at 0416954550.
  • xtine99xtine99 Sydney
    Posts: 29Member
    Joined: Nov 23, 2012
    Hi. Im helping my landlady to look for a female pinay renter. The room is furnished with single bed, ref, tv and aircon. It is in a very spacious house close to forrestlake shopping center and bus stops. Quite and clean neighborhood. Contact nyo po ako so I can pass the message to her... 0428-946-069.. Salamat
    HI choc 29, is this room still available?

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