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Australian Computer Society Skills Application
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Visa 491: Do we need to get OEC?
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Engineers Australia Skills Assessment
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The longest running Pinoy-Australian Forum site in the history. We are connecting Pinoys "in" and "to" Australia since 2010! If you want to join in, click one of these buttons!
Posts: 294Member
Joined: Jun 26, 2018
Posts: 53Member
Joined: Nov 15, 2016
Joined: Jan 12, 2018
Nominated Occupation : Chemical Engineer 233111, 189 (75 points)
11-Nov-2017 IELTS, L8.5 | R9.0 | S7.0 | W7.0
27-Nov-2017 EOI Lodged 189 (65 points)
22-Aug-2018 PTE Academic
23-Aug-2018 PTE Academic, L90 | R78 | S90 | W82
30-Aug-2018 PTE Academic
31-Aug-2018 PTE Academic, L90 | R79 | S90 | W82
31-Aug-2018 EOI Updated 189 (75 points)
10-Sept-2018 ITA Received 189 Praise the Lord!
24-Sept-2018 Visa Lodged 189 Praying...
29-Sept-2018 Health Assessment at Nationwide Health Systems
02-Oct-2018 Health clearance provided – no action required
01-Dec-2018 Visa Grant (Direct Grant) God iba ka talaga!!!
“My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness...for when I am weak, then I am strong." 2 Corinthians: 9-10
Posts: 276Member
Joined: Oct 13, 2016
5/15 | Decided to migrate Down Under
12/08/16 | Applied for ACS Assessment
24/08/16 | Positive Assessment Developer Programmer: 261312
31/08/16 | Lodge 489 FS EOI (65pts)
25/09/16 | Lodge 190 EOI (60pts)
25/09/16 | Lodge Victoria Nomination
23/01/17 | Visa 190 - Denied
--------Retaking PTE exam----------
07/05/18 | +5pts Work Experience
16/05/18 | PTE Proficient for my wife
19/06/18 | Positive CPAA assessment for my wife
19/06/18 | +5pts Partner points
19/06/18 | Submitted my 189 visa EOI - 70 pts
03/07/18 | Submitted my 190 visa EOI - 75 pts
17/08/18 | Re-applied for ACS Assessment
08/10/18 | Positive Assessment Developer Programmer: 261312
09/10/18 | Updated my 189 visa EOI - 80 pts
11/10/18 | Visa 189 ITA Received - Finally, after more than 2 years
16/10/18 | NBI Clearance - No Hit!
18/10/18 | NBI Clearance - No Hit! (Wifey)
23/10/18 | Visa 189 Application Lodge
01/12/18 | Health Clearance provided - No action required (Both of us)
04/01/19 | VISA GRANT!!!! Thank you Lord!!!
------------English Exams-----------------
7/15 | IELTS L: 6.5 S: 5.5 W: 6.0 R: 6.0
12/15 | IELTS L: 7.5 S: 6.5 W: 6.0 R: 6.5
Aiming for PTE Superior scores
2/08/2016 - PTE-A L:65 R:76 S:69 W:69
28/03/2017 - PTE-A L:64 R:70 S:61 W:72
16/01/2018 - PTE-A L:69 R:78 S:84 W:77
01/02/2018 - PTE-A L:69 R:73 S:87 W:71
21/02/2018 - PTE-A L:74 R:75 S:90 W:75
07/03/2018 - PTE-A L:66 R:89 S:88 W:73
28/08/2018 - PTE-A L:83 R:78 S:90 W:84 - Sakit! T_T
25/09/2018 - PTE-A L:79 R:85 S:84 W:89 - Finally!!!
Sample Recordings:
Read Aloud:
Describe Image:
Retell Lecture:
PTE Tips:
"I can do everything through Him who gives me strength" - Phil 4:13
Posts: 294Member
Joined: Jun 26, 2018
Joined: Jan 12, 2018
Nominated Occupation : Chemical Engineer 233111, 189 (75 points)
11-Nov-2017 IELTS, L8.5 | R9.0 | S7.0 | W7.0
27-Nov-2017 EOI Lodged 189 (65 points)
22-Aug-2018 PTE Academic
23-Aug-2018 PTE Academic, L90 | R78 | S90 | W82
30-Aug-2018 PTE Academic
31-Aug-2018 PTE Academic, L90 | R79 | S90 | W82
31-Aug-2018 EOI Updated 189 (75 points)
10-Sept-2018 ITA Received 189 Praise the Lord!
24-Sept-2018 Visa Lodged 189 Praying...
29-Sept-2018 Health Assessment at Nationwide Health Systems
02-Oct-2018 Health clearance provided – no action required
01-Dec-2018 Visa Grant (Direct Grant) God iba ka talaga!!!
“My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness...for when I am weak, then I am strong." 2 Corinthians: 9-10
Posts: 294Member
Joined: Jun 26, 2018
Joined: Sep 12, 2018
Username | Visa type | Lodge Date | GSM Office | Date Granted | Target State/City | IED
1. @arcsump |189| 04 september 2018 | 16 november 2018
2. @k_ann_15 |189 | 13 september 2018| 23 November 2018 | sydney / melbourne | 03 september 2019
******VISA LODGE******
Username | Visa type | Lodge Date | Date CO Contacted / Requested Documents | GSM Office
1. @irenesky I 489 QLD I 01 September 2018 / 07 November '18 / Form 1229 /Adelaide
2. @milktea13 | 189 | Sept 12 2018
3. @baldogerz | 190 SA | September 16, 2018
4. @fromSGtoAU | 489 QLD | September 17, 2018
5. @its.kc |189|Sept 20, 2018
6. @michaelguanzon_ust |189|Sept 22, 2018
7. @maguero | 489 SA | September 23, 2018
8. @leadme | 189 | September 24, 2018
9. @gibo43 | 189 | September 27, 2018
10. @amifat | 189 | September 28, 2018
11. @barbedwire | 189 | September 30, 2018
12. @jher31 |189| September 22, 2018
13. @gsoldjukic | 489 | September 28, 2018
14. @ENGINEER_SALESMAN |189 | September 20, 2018
15. @keynkey | 189 | September 26, 2018
16. @flaming_vines | 189 | September 25, 2018
***Invitation Received***
Username | Visa type | Points | ANZSCO code | ITA Date Received
1. @shielalables | 189 | 80 | 231612 | September 11, 2018
2. @au2018 | 189 | 80 | 263111 | September 10, 2018
3. @Drickster | 489 SA | 75 | 311213 | September 28, 2018
4. @boogie789 | 189| 70 | 263311| October 10, 2018
*******EOI LODGE*******
Username | Visa type | Points | ANZSCO code | EOI Lodge Date
1. @aaronvergara06 |189,190 | 70pts | 75pts NSW| 233211 | Sept.09,2018Updating hehe
2. @marbans_8 |189|85 pts|263311|Sept. 12, 2018
3. @neni0hk |189/190 NSW|75/80 pts|261313|29 Sept 2018
4. @ayennnnnn 224111| 189 - 75 pts | Sept. 28, 2018
5. @mycroft_holmes | 190 | 70 | 312211 | September 23, 2018
red_lion irenesky
ANZSCO Code: 233211 (Civil Engineer) | 70pts
ITA: Aug 11, Visa Lodge: Sept 13
Grant: November 23, 2018 (Praise the Lord!!)
Joined: Sep 12, 2018
ANZSCO Code: 233211 (Civil Engineer) | 70pts
ITA: Aug 11, Visa Lodge: Sept 13
Grant: November 23, 2018 (Praise the Lord!!)
Posts: 273Member
Joined: Oct 11, 2018
Username | Visa type | Lodge Date | GSM Office | Date Granted | Target State/City | IED
1. @arcsump |189| 04 september 2018 | 16 november 2018
2. @k_ann_15 |189 | 13 september 2018| 23 November 2018 | sydney / melbourne | 03 september 2019
******VISA LODGE******
Username | Visa type | Lodge Date | Date CO Contacted / Requested Documents | GSM Office
1. @irenesky I 489 QLD I 01 September 2018 / 07 November '18 / Form 1229 /Adelaide
2. @milktea13 | 189 | Sept 12 2018
3. @baldogerz | 190 SA | September 16, 2018
4. @fromSGtoAU | 489 QLD | September 17, 2018
5. @its.kc |189|Sept 20, 2018
6. @michaelguanzon_ust |189|Sept 22, 2018
7. @maguero | 489 SA | September 23, 2018
8. @leadme | 189 | September 24, 2018
9. @gibo43 | 189 | September 27, 2018
10. @amifat | 189 | September 28, 2018
11. @barbedwire | 189 | September 30, 2018
12. @jher31 |189| September 22, 2018
13. @gsoldjukic | 489 | September 28, 2018
14. @ENGINEER_SALESMAN |189 | September 20, 2018
15. @keynkey | 189 | September 26, 2018
16. @flaming_vines | 189 | September 25, 2018
***Invitation Received***
Username | Visa type | Points | ANZSCO code | ITA Date Received
1. @shielalables | 189 | 80 | 231612 | September 11, 2018
2. @au2018 | 189 | 80 | 263111 | September 10, 2018
3. @Drickster | 489 SA | 75 | 311213 | September 28, 2018
4. @boogie789 | 189| 70 | 263311| October 10, 2018
*******EOI LODGE*******
Username | Visa type | Points | ANZSCO code | EOI Lodge Date
1. @aaronvergara06 |189,190 | 70pts | 75pts NSW| 233211 | Sept.09,2018Updating hehe
2. @marbans_8 |189|85 pts|263311|Sept. 12, 2018
3. @neni0hk |189/190 NSW|75/80 pts|261313|29 Sept 2018
4. @ayennnnnn 224111| 189 - 75 pts | Sept. 28, 2018
5. @mycroft_holmes | 189, 190 | 75, 80 | NSW, VIC | 312211 | Nov 24, 2018 (Previous DOE 23 Sep 2018)
312211 Civil Engineering Draftsperson 189, 75pts
Age: 30 | Education: 15 | Experience: 10 | English: 20
20 Feb 2018: Started collecting documents for skills assessment
01 Apr 2018: Started reviewing for IELTS
30 July 2018: VETASSESS Application Submitted
07 Sep 2018: VETASSESS Outcome Received - Positive
15 Sep 2018: IELTS | L8.5 | R8.5 | S7.0 | W7.0
20 Sep 2018: EOI Lodge - 189, 190 (65,70 pts)
01 Oct 2018: PTE Academic | L81 | R89 | S90 | W77 (Haisst...)
01 Oct 2018: NBI Fingerprinting Appointment - PE Singapore
22 Oct 2018: PTE Academic | L90 | R77 | S90 | W88 (Haisst...)
Dedicated 1 month to review for PTE
23 Nov 2018: PTE Academic | L90 | R87 | S90 | W90 (Yahoo!)
01 Dec 2018: EOI Updated - 189 , 190 (75,80 points)
02 Dec 2018: Filed-up Form 80 and 1221 (whole day encoding..)
04 Dec 2018: NBI Clearance Received
06 Dec 2018: Pre-ITA 190 Received (VIC State Nomination)
07 Dec 2018: Applied for VIC State Nomination
11 Dec 2018: ITA 189 Received
11 Dec 2018: Immediately informed Victoria that Application for State Nomination can't be process anymore. (EOI is locked. 189 and 190 are under the same EOI)
11 Dec 2018: Applied E-Appeal for SG Police COC
12 Dec 2018: Medical exam taken and submitted - Sata AMK Night
13 Dec 2018: Medical exam results received. Health clearance provided – no action required.
14 Dec 2018: Fingerprint appointment and SG COC Collected.
16 Dec 2018: Visa Application Lodge
"When you want something; all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it."
Posts: 145Member
Joined: May 21, 2018
261312 Developer Programmer | 189 | Age: 30 | Education: 15 | Experience: 5 | English: 20 | Partner: 5 | TOTAL: 75
09-JUL-2018 - ACS submission
11-JUL-2018 - ACS submission - CTC'd documents
22-AUG-2018 - PTE exam
23-AUG-2018 - PTE results (primary) - 90 overall L/R/S/W 90/90/90/88
24-AUG-2018 - PTE results (spouse) - 80 overall
27-AUG-2018 - ACS results (primary) - positive
28-AUG-2018 - ACS results (spouse) - positive
29-AUG-2018 - VISA subclass 189 - EOI lodged
10-SEPT-2018 - Marriage Certificate - [pending] correction (RA9048)
05-OCT-2018 - NBI Clearance (spouse) - [with HIT] for new passport
10-OCT-2018 - VISA subclass 189 - ITA received
11-OCT-2018 - NBI Clearance (spouse) - for new passport
13-OCT-2018 - DFA appt. for new passport under married name
17-OCT-2018 - NBI Clearance (primary) - [with HIT]
23-OCT-2018 - NBI Clearance (primary)
26-OCT-2018 - VISA subclass 189 - application lodged
10-NOV-2018 - Medical exam at Nationwide Makati
14-NOV-2018 - Medical exam (spouse) - Health clearance provided – no action required
03-DEC-2018 - Medical exam (primary) - TB test ongoing
05-DEC-2018 - Medical exam (primary) - TB test completed
06-DEC-2018 - Medical exam (primary) - TB smear result negative
15-JAN-2019 - Case officer contact - further medical examination
11-FEB-2019 - Medical exam (primary) - TB culture result (negative) and second xray (negative)
20-FEB-2019 - Medical exam (primary) - Health clearance provided – no action required
22-MAR-2019 - Feedback - suggestion
30-APR-2019 - Feedback - complaint
02-MAY-2019 - Case officer contact - form 815
07-MAY-2019 - Grant received! - 193 days waited
16-JUL-2019 - BM
Posts: 124Member
Joined: Jul 20, 2017
Joined: Jan 12, 2018
Nominated Occupation : Chemical Engineer 233111, 189 (75 points)
11-Nov-2017 IELTS, L8.5 | R9.0 | S7.0 | W7.0
27-Nov-2017 EOI Lodged 189 (65 points)
22-Aug-2018 PTE Academic
23-Aug-2018 PTE Academic, L90 | R78 | S90 | W82
30-Aug-2018 PTE Academic
31-Aug-2018 PTE Academic, L90 | R79 | S90 | W82
31-Aug-2018 EOI Updated 189 (75 points)
10-Sept-2018 ITA Received 189 Praise the Lord!
24-Sept-2018 Visa Lodged 189 Praying...
29-Sept-2018 Health Assessment at Nationwide Health Systems
02-Oct-2018 Health clearance provided – no action required
01-Dec-2018 Visa Grant (Direct Grant) God iba ka talaga!!!
“My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness...for when I am weak, then I am strong." 2 Corinthians: 9-10
Posts: 273Member
Joined: Oct 11, 2018
Ako na lang po di pa naka-receive ng ITA for Sep Batch.
312211 Civil Engineering Draftsperson 189, 75pts
Age: 30 | Education: 15 | Experience: 10 | English: 20
20 Feb 2018: Started collecting documents for skills assessment
01 Apr 2018: Started reviewing for IELTS
30 July 2018: VETASSESS Application Submitted
07 Sep 2018: VETASSESS Outcome Received - Positive
15 Sep 2018: IELTS | L8.5 | R8.5 | S7.0 | W7.0
20 Sep 2018: EOI Lodge - 189, 190 (65,70 pts)
01 Oct 2018: PTE Academic | L81 | R89 | S90 | W77 (Haisst...)
01 Oct 2018: NBI Fingerprinting Appointment - PE Singapore
22 Oct 2018: PTE Academic | L90 | R77 | S90 | W88 (Haisst...)
Dedicated 1 month to review for PTE
23 Nov 2018: PTE Academic | L90 | R87 | S90 | W90 (Yahoo!)
01 Dec 2018: EOI Updated - 189 , 190 (75,80 points)
02 Dec 2018: Filed-up Form 80 and 1221 (whole day encoding..)
04 Dec 2018: NBI Clearance Received
06 Dec 2018: Pre-ITA 190 Received (VIC State Nomination)
07 Dec 2018: Applied for VIC State Nomination
11 Dec 2018: ITA 189 Received
11 Dec 2018: Immediately informed Victoria that Application for State Nomination can't be process anymore. (EOI is locked. 189 and 190 are under the same EOI)
11 Dec 2018: Applied E-Appeal for SG Police COC
12 Dec 2018: Medical exam taken and submitted - Sata AMK Night
13 Dec 2018: Medical exam results received. Health clearance provided – no action required.
14 Dec 2018: Fingerprint appointment and SG COC Collected.
16 Dec 2018: Visa Application Lodge
"When you want something; all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it."
Joined: Jan 12, 2018
Nominated Occupation : Chemical Engineer 233111, 189 (75 points)
11-Nov-2017 IELTS, L8.5 | R9.0 | S7.0 | W7.0
27-Nov-2017 EOI Lodged 189 (65 points)
22-Aug-2018 PTE Academic
23-Aug-2018 PTE Academic, L90 | R78 | S90 | W82
30-Aug-2018 PTE Academic
31-Aug-2018 PTE Academic, L90 | R79 | S90 | W82
31-Aug-2018 EOI Updated 189 (75 points)
10-Sept-2018 ITA Received 189 Praise the Lord!
24-Sept-2018 Visa Lodged 189 Praying...
29-Sept-2018 Health Assessment at Nationwide Health Systems
02-Oct-2018 Health clearance provided – no action required
01-Dec-2018 Visa Grant (Direct Grant) God iba ka talaga!!!
“My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness...for when I am weak, then I am strong." 2 Corinthians: 9-10
Posts: 273Member
Joined: Oct 11, 2018
312211 Civil Engineering Draftsperson 189, 75pts
Age: 30 | Education: 15 | Experience: 10 | English: 20
20 Feb 2018: Started collecting documents for skills assessment
01 Apr 2018: Started reviewing for IELTS
30 July 2018: VETASSESS Application Submitted
07 Sep 2018: VETASSESS Outcome Received - Positive
15 Sep 2018: IELTS | L8.5 | R8.5 | S7.0 | W7.0
20 Sep 2018: EOI Lodge - 189, 190 (65,70 pts)
01 Oct 2018: PTE Academic | L81 | R89 | S90 | W77 (Haisst...)
01 Oct 2018: NBI Fingerprinting Appointment - PE Singapore
22 Oct 2018: PTE Academic | L90 | R77 | S90 | W88 (Haisst...)
Dedicated 1 month to review for PTE
23 Nov 2018: PTE Academic | L90 | R87 | S90 | W90 (Yahoo!)
01 Dec 2018: EOI Updated - 189 , 190 (75,80 points)
02 Dec 2018: Filed-up Form 80 and 1221 (whole day encoding..)
04 Dec 2018: NBI Clearance Received
06 Dec 2018: Pre-ITA 190 Received (VIC State Nomination)
07 Dec 2018: Applied for VIC State Nomination
11 Dec 2018: ITA 189 Received
11 Dec 2018: Immediately informed Victoria that Application for State Nomination can't be process anymore. (EOI is locked. 189 and 190 are under the same EOI)
11 Dec 2018: Applied E-Appeal for SG Police COC
12 Dec 2018: Medical exam taken and submitted - Sata AMK Night
13 Dec 2018: Medical exam results received. Health clearance provided – no action required.
14 Dec 2018: Fingerprint appointment and SG COC Collected.
16 Dec 2018: Visa Application Lodge
"When you want something; all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it."
Posts: 165Member
Joined: Aug 29, 2017
Engineering Technologist -ANZSCO 233914
19.11.2016 - IELTS - competent
01.07.2017 - Submitted fast track EA assessment.
11.07.2017 - EA Asked for additional documents
31.07.2017 - Positive MSA
16.08.2017 - Submitted EOI to NSW 90 (60 pts)
09.01.2018 - PTE- proficient
11.01.2018 - Updated EOI 189 (65pts) /NSW190 (70pts)
09.02.2018 -Submitted nomination application to VIC (70 pts)
02.07.2018- Submitted EOI to QLD 489 (75 pts)
04.07.2018- Received ITA from QLD
01.09.2018 - Lodged Visa
07.11.2018 - CO contact
21.01.2019 - 2nd CO contact
01.04.2019 - Granted "Thank you Lord"
18.08.2019 - Big move
11.11.2019 - Got a job
09.09.2021 - Lodged visa 887
21.12.2022 -CO contact
09.01.2023 -Submitted requested documents
Patience is not simply the ability to wait - it's how we behave while we're waiting.... Joyce Meyer
Joined: Sep 12, 2018
ANZSCO Code: 233211 (Civil Engineer) | 70pts
ITA: Aug 11, Visa Lodge: Sept 13
Grant: November 23, 2018 (Praise the Lord!!)
Posts: 68Member
Joined: May 31, 2015
Apr 2013 - My girlfriend and I visited Australia for the 1st time as tourists & decided that migrating & working in this country is our dream!

May 2014 - IELTS (S=6.5 / W=7 / R=7 / L=6)
Oct 2016 - turned 25 years old + 3 years skilled level experience, applied for ACS Skills Assessment (positive result)
Mar 2017 - PTE-A (S=74 / W=74 / R=70 / L=73)
May 2017 - Proposed to my girlfriend & submitted our EOI (189=60 pts, 190=65pts)
Apr 2018 - 5 years skilled level experience
Jun 2018 - PTE-A (S=90 / W=77 / R=81 / L=86)
Jul 2018 - PTE-A (S=90 / W=76 / R=71 / L=78)
Aug 8, 2018 - PTE-A (S=90 / W=85 / R=84 / L=82)
Aug 10, 2018 - Updated our EOI (189=75 pts, 190=80pts)
Sep 11, 2018 - Invitation Received (subclass 189)
Sep 23, 2018 - Lodged Visa
Dec 5, 2018 - DIRECT GRANT!!! (God is TRULY GOOD)
Feb 2019 - BM (Hopefully ^_^)
May 2020 - Our Dream Wedding
Let's keep on dreaming! But don't forget to add goals and work hard
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." (Jeremiah 29:11)
Joined: Jan 12, 2018
Nominated Occupation : Chemical Engineer 233111, 189 (75 points)
11-Nov-2017 IELTS, L8.5 | R9.0 | S7.0 | W7.0
27-Nov-2017 EOI Lodged 189 (65 points)
22-Aug-2018 PTE Academic
23-Aug-2018 PTE Academic, L90 | R78 | S90 | W82
30-Aug-2018 PTE Academic
31-Aug-2018 PTE Academic, L90 | R79 | S90 | W82
31-Aug-2018 EOI Updated 189 (75 points)
10-Sept-2018 ITA Received 189 Praise the Lord!
24-Sept-2018 Visa Lodged 189 Praying...
29-Sept-2018 Health Assessment at Nationwide Health Systems
02-Oct-2018 Health clearance provided – no action required
01-Dec-2018 Visa Grant (Direct Grant) God iba ka talaga!!!
“My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness...for when I am weak, then I am strong." 2 Corinthians: 9-10
Joined: May 11, 2018
261313 | Software Engineer | SC189 | Lodge Date 20 Sep 2018 | Grant 11 Dec 2018
Joined: Sep 12, 2018
ANZSCO Code: 233211 (Civil Engineer) | 70pts
ITA: Aug 11, Visa Lodge: Sept 13
Grant: November 23, 2018 (Praise the Lord!!)
Joined: Jan 12, 2018
Nominated Occupation : Chemical Engineer 233111, 189 (75 points)
11-Nov-2017 IELTS, L8.5 | R9.0 | S7.0 | W7.0
27-Nov-2017 EOI Lodged 189 (65 points)
22-Aug-2018 PTE Academic
23-Aug-2018 PTE Academic, L90 | R78 | S90 | W82
30-Aug-2018 PTE Academic
31-Aug-2018 PTE Academic, L90 | R79 | S90 | W82
31-Aug-2018 EOI Updated 189 (75 points)
10-Sept-2018 ITA Received 189 Praise the Lord!
24-Sept-2018 Visa Lodged 189 Praying...
29-Sept-2018 Health Assessment at Nationwide Health Systems
02-Oct-2018 Health clearance provided – no action required
01-Dec-2018 Visa Grant (Direct Grant) God iba ka talaga!!!
“My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness...for when I am weak, then I am strong." 2 Corinthians: 9-10
Posts: 48Member
Joined: Dec 24, 2017
@arcsump | VISA 189 | 75 | 232212 - SURVEYOR | 11 Aug 2018
Joined: Sep 12, 2018
ANZSCO Code: 233211 (Civil Engineer) | 70pts
ITA: Aug 11, Visa Lodge: Sept 13
Grant: November 23, 2018 (Praise the Lord!!)
Joined: Jan 12, 2018
Username | Visa type | Lodge Date | GSM Office | Date Granted | Target State/City | IED
1. @arcsump |189| 04 september 2018 | 16 november 2018
2. @k_ann_15 |189 | 13 september 2018| 23 November 2018 | sydney / melbourne | 03 september 2019
3. @leadme | 189 | 24 September 2018 | Adelaide | 01 December 2018 | Melbourne | 19 September 2019
******VISA LODGE******
Username | Visa type | Lodge Date | Date CO Contacted / Requested Documents | GSM Office
1. @irenesky I 489 QLD I 01 September 2018 / 07 November '18 / Form 1229 /Adelaide
2. @milktea13 | 189 | Sept 12 2018
3. @baldogerz | 190 SA | September 16, 2018
4. @fromSGtoAU | 489 QLD | September 17, 2018
5. @its.kc |189|Sept 20, 2018
6. @michaelguanzon_ust |189|Sept 22, 2018
7. @maguero | 489 SA | September 23, 2018
8. @gibo43 | 189 | September 27, 2018
9. @amifat | 189 | September 28, 2018
10. @barbedwire | 189 | September 30, 2018
11. @jher31 |189| September 22, 2018
12. @gsoldjukic | 489 | September 28, 2018
13. @ENGINEER_SALESMAN |189 | September 20, 2018
14. @keynkey | 189 | September 26, 2018
15. @flaming_vines | 189 | September 25, 2018
***Invitation Received***
Username | Visa type | Points | ANZSCO code | ITA Date Received
1. @shielalables | 189 | 80 | 231612 | September 11, 2018
2. @au2018 | 189 | 80 | 263111 | September 10, 2018
3. @Drickster | 489 SA | 75 | 311213 | September 28, 2018
4. @boogie789 | 189| 70 | 263311| October 10, 2018
*******EOI LODGE*******
Username | Visa type | Points | ANZSCO code | EOI Lodge Date
1. @aaronvergara06 |189,190 | 70pts | 75pts NSW| 233211 | Sept.09,2018Updating hehe
2. @marbans_8 |189|85 pts|263311|Sept. 12, 2018
3. @neni0hk |189/190 NSW|75/80 pts|261313|29 Sept 2018
4. @ayennnnnn 224111| 189 - 75 pts | Sept. 28, 2018
5. @mycroft_holmes | 190 | 70 | 312211 | September 23, 2018
red_lion irenesky
Nominated Occupation : Chemical Engineer 233111, 189 (75 points)
11-Nov-2017 IELTS, L8.5 | R9.0 | S7.0 | W7.0
27-Nov-2017 EOI Lodged 189 (65 points)
22-Aug-2018 PTE Academic
23-Aug-2018 PTE Academic, L90 | R78 | S90 | W82
30-Aug-2018 PTE Academic
31-Aug-2018 PTE Academic, L90 | R79 | S90 | W82
31-Aug-2018 EOI Updated 189 (75 points)
10-Sept-2018 ITA Received 189 Praise the Lord!
24-Sept-2018 Visa Lodged 189 Praying...
29-Sept-2018 Health Assessment at Nationwide Health Systems
02-Oct-2018 Health clearance provided – no action required
01-Dec-2018 Visa Grant (Direct Grant) God iba ka talaga!!!
“My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness...for when I am weak, then I am strong." 2 Corinthians: 9-10
Posts: 73Member
Joined: May 07, 2017
Joined: Jan 12, 2018
Nominated Occupation : Chemical Engineer 233111, 189 (75 points)
11-Nov-2017 IELTS, L8.5 | R9.0 | S7.0 | W7.0
27-Nov-2017 EOI Lodged 189 (65 points)
22-Aug-2018 PTE Academic
23-Aug-2018 PTE Academic, L90 | R78 | S90 | W82
30-Aug-2018 PTE Academic
31-Aug-2018 PTE Academic, L90 | R79 | S90 | W82
31-Aug-2018 EOI Updated 189 (75 points)
10-Sept-2018 ITA Received 189 Praise the Lord!
24-Sept-2018 Visa Lodged 189 Praying...
29-Sept-2018 Health Assessment at Nationwide Health Systems
02-Oct-2018 Health clearance provided – no action required
01-Dec-2018 Visa Grant (Direct Grant) God iba ka talaga!!!
“My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness...for when I am weak, then I am strong." 2 Corinthians: 9-10
Posts: 472Member
Joined: Mar 31, 2018
ANZSCO 311411 | Age :30, Education: 15, Experience: 10, PTE: 10|
04.04.2018 | Lodged Vetassess Assessment
05.31.2018 | Vetassess Result : POSITIVE
06.18.2018 | PTE Mock Test A |LRSW|65/69/79/68|
06.23.2018 | PTE Mock Test B |LRSW|74/65/84/76|
06.28.2018 | PTE-A |LRSW|74/73/90/74|
07.06.2018 | Submitted 190 EOI 65+5=70 pts SA|
07.08.2018 | Lodged SA State Nomination Application
10.03.2018 | 190 Invitation Received.
10.12.2018 | Singapore COC issued
11.06.2018 | NBI Clearance Issued
11.17.2018 | Medicals (Point Medical Paragon)
11.23.2018 | Health Clearance Provided - No Actions Required
11.23.2018 | Visa Lodgement
03.04.2019 | Direct Grant! Thank you LORD!
04.18.2019 | IED | Adelaide
03.18.2021 | BM | Adelaide
| Set your goals high, and don't stop till you get there.|
Posts: 144Member
Joined: Feb 11, 2018