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VETASSESS Organizational Chart Sample

aacs123aacs123 PhilippinesPosts: 3Member
Hello guys!
I’m planning to have my education and 1 yr relevant work experience assessed by VETASSESS as Construction Project Manager. I have all the required documents except for the Organizational Chart. My previous company is just small and has very disorganized organization that is why they don’t really have proper documentation of organizational charts. Many of the employees multitask and assume diff roles.

What reason can I state in my affidavit (statuatory letter) that will be valid for VETASSESS to assess my org chart? (ie, the company cannot disclose the information to the public or the company lacks proper documentation of the specific roles of each employee)

Does the affidavit need to be signed by my previous employer? Or my signature alone can be considered?

If anyone has a sample of an organizational chart which was positively assessed, hope you can also share it.

Really hope someone could answer my inquiry.
Thank you in advance.


  • RheaMARN1171933RheaMARN1171933 Posts: 2,780Member, Administrator, Moderator
    Joined: Mar 10, 2016
    The purpose of the org chart is to show who you report to and who are your subordinates. The occupation you are nominating is a managerial role so make sure you can prove that. Otherwise your skills assessment application is bound to fail. You mentioned you’ve got only one year Work experience, I’m not quite sure if you would be able to convince the assessors that you’re in the managerial level. If you’re not, you’re better off choosing a different occupation at a lower level.
  • aacs123aacs123 Philippines
    Posts: 3Member
    Joined: Oct 13, 2018
    @RheaMARN1171933 hi i appreciate the response. Just wanna add that prior to working as a project engineer, i managed a construction supply family business for 7 years that is why I easily got a managerial position on site when I finally decided to use my degree as a civil engineer. I dont plan to submit a COE for my business manager experience but I plan to reflect that in the CV that I will submit. Do you think that can justify my case for assessment purposes?
  • RheaMARN1171933RheaMARN1171933 Posts: 2,780Member, Administrator, Moderator
    Joined: Mar 10, 2016
    @aacs123 would be hard to prove unfortunately since your 7 years work experience are prior to your qualification. They will only consider experience post qualification. The reference letters weigh more than the CV. They just use CV’s to map out your employment history.
  • aacs123aacs123 Philippines
    Posts: 3Member
    Joined: Oct 13, 2018
    @RheaMARN1171933 thanks for the advice! I appreciate your insights. I still plan to have my occupation assessed though via fast track. Either way, I have back up occupation to nominate through EA. God bless!
  • RheaMARN1171933RheaMARN1171933 Posts: 2,780Member, Administrator, Moderator
    Joined: Mar 10, 2016
    edited March 2019
    @aacs123 Basically, the insights I’ve given you is based on cases I’ve handled, especially those requiring org charts. Anyway, I’m only touching the surface here since I’m Just relying on the limited information provided in this forum. Hard to really give an accurate advise via this forum. Why don’t you ask VETASSESS the best way to approach it. They actually can give you some pointers before you even lodge your application. That way you save your money. If you think it’s worth proceeding na and having a go and spending time and money for an assessment via VETASSESS, of course you can give it a try. In reality, you meet the minimum requirement naman but you might have issues with the org chart. As far as some of my clients are concerned, they even had to create the org chart themselves to satisfy this requirement. Good luck
  • rejgre03rejgre03 Singapore
    Posts: 9Member
    Joined: Mar 09, 2019
    Hi @aacs123 may I know po what naging result ng assessment nyo if you dont mind. May issue po ba sila if under civil engr grad ka?
  • TinD1TinD1 Posts: 2Member
    Joined: Mar 19, 2022

    Yung org chart po na need to be endorsed by Company HR?

  • EnadEnad Posts: 27Member
    Joined: Nov 26, 2021

    Not necessarily po but it needs to be on a company template (logo and all).

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