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Cleaning Maid Needed - Brunswick West near Melbourne

HaigHaig Brunswick WestPosts: 2Member
Looking for a maid to clean a small apartment once a fortnight.
General cleaning, vacuuming, dusting etc in kitchen, lounge, bedroom and bathroom.


  • HaigHaig Brunswick West
    Posts: 2Member
    Joined: Mar 13, 2019
    Haig said:

    Looking for a maid to clean a small apartment once a fortnight.
    General cleaning, vacuuming, dusting etc in kitchen, lounge, bedroom and bathroom.

    Call Haig 0457 654 100
  • JayperJayper Posts: 6Member
    Joined: Jun 04, 2022

    Every owner of a car wash and dry cleaner knows how important equipment is for work. If you want your business to be profitable, you should buy only high-quality machines. I recently bought a steamer extractor, and I was pleasantly surprised. It can clean the deepest dirt. 

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