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Which Visa for Partner in Singapore

chicken_starchicken_star SingaporePosts: 22Member

Hello, this might have been addressed already but I'm still going to throw it.
I'm currently an Australian Citizen and already plan to get married. But my my other half is in Singapore. He's been visiting Australia as a tourist prior to Covid.
Now we are seeking for the right Visa so that he can permanently transfer here in AU. We are also planning to get married here.

There are so many potential visa to apply so hopefully, if there's one out there got a similar situation with me.. appreciate your inputs ^_^.


  • fgsfgs Cooper Basin
    Posts: 1,161Member
    Joined: Nov 12, 2013

    @chicken_star said:
    Hello, this might have been addressed already but I'm still going to throw it.
    I'm currently an Australian Citizen and already plan to get married. But my my other half is in Singapore. He's been visiting Australia as a tourist prior to Covid.
    Now we are seeking for the right Visa so that he can permanently transfer here in AU. We are also planning to get married here.

    There are so many potential visa to apply so hopefully, if there's one out there got a similar situation with me.. appreciate your inputs ^_^.

    If you plan to apply prior to getting married, you can apply a prospective marriage visa. If you are applying after marriage, it depends on the location of your applying partner. If he/she is overseas, apply for a spouse visa 309. If he/she is onshore( on a tourist visa), apply for a spouse visa 820. I prefer the latter because after submitting the application, a bridging visa will be issued which allows him/her to work and stay in Australia until the visa application is decided. The wait for these visas takes at least a year or more so instead of waiting overseas and travel multiple times to Australia just to be with you, applying onshore is the most practical.

  • chicken_starchicken_star Singapore
    Posts: 22Member
    Joined: Dec 02, 2013

    @fgs thanks for your valuable insight. We will consider getting a prospective marriage Then with his tourist visa we can get married here in Australia and eventually get a partner vis whilst he is onshore.

  • fgsfgs Cooper Basin
    Posts: 1,161Member
    Joined: Nov 12, 2013

    @chicken_star said:
    @fgs thanks for your valuable insight. We will consider getting a prospective marriage Then with his tourist visa we can get married here in Australia and eventually get a partner vis whilst he is onshore.

    With the prospective marriage visa, you dont need to get a tourist visa anymore. You will be required to get married within 8mos i im not mistaken.

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