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Flatshare/Rooms for Rent - Werribee

SushigurlSushigurl MelbournePosts: 105Member

Two rooms are available in a new well-insulated 2story terraced home for working professionals. The Rooms (3.2mtr X 3.0mtr) are furnished with a king-single bed, bed side table, study desk and chair, floor lamp, build-in wardrobe, book shelf ,electric fan, electric blanket for cold nights and a 32"Sony TV.

There’s 2 bathroom and 3 separate toilets, so there won’t be a need to queue.

You’ll be sharing the house with 2 humans and 2 shy & well-behaved felines 🐈. Both kitties have been purchased last year to help human managed the on/off lockdown better. This house also host a disability support puppy in training.

About me: Im a working female , quiet and respectful, Looking for the same. Unlimited wifi is free.

The rooms will be offered to single occupant, who is working on a regular basis. Asian or female preferred.

Should you be interested, do message me and tell me something about you. Otherwise, all the best with your search. 😉

3 weeks bond required, rent is payable in advance every fortnight

Location: Harpley estate, Werribee. 7mins DRIVE to either Wyndham vale or 9mins Werribee train station. < 5mins drive to the nearest grocery, and < 15mins drive to the nearest beach.


  • sarahTMsarahTM Posts: 6Member
    Joined: Mar 30, 2023

    Is this still available? How much per week?

  • SushigurlSushigurl Melbourne
    Posts: 105Member
    Joined: Jan 17, 2011

    Hi Sarah, $200 per week including normal bills. ac and heater available and separately billed,

  • YJLYJL Posts: 2Member
    Joined: May 31, 2023

    Hi Sushi, I know you posted this last April but just a query if you have an upcoming available room for July? I work Werribee and Sunshine so I’d be keen to live around Wyndham vale. Harpley is an easy access to a train station. Let me know . Thanks

  • SushigurlSushigurl Melbourne
    Posts: 105Member
    Joined: Jan 17, 2011

    @YJL said:
    Hi Sushi, I know you posted this last April but just a query if you have an upcoming available room for July? I work Werribee and Sunshine so I’d be keen to live around Wyndham vale. Harpley is an easy access to a train station. Let me know . Thanks

    Do you still need the room, a room just turn vacant. pls pm me.

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