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Large room to rent in Hurstville, NSW

xtine99xtine99 SydneyPosts: 29Member
edited April 2013 in Working and skilled visas
A filo friend is looking for filipinos to share the house in hurstvillle. The house is located between kingsgrove and hurstville station. The rent is 170 monthly plus bills. House have wifi internet. Please reply if interested. The room would be available by May 15. The room is fully furnished with queen size bed. Can be for single or couple. Bus at doorstep going to Ryde and Strathfield and kingsgrove and hurstville station.


  • sabbie1229sabbie1229 Quezon City
    Posts: 3Member
    Joined: Mar 29, 2013
    hi,what Is the travel time going to Sydney CBD?
  • xtine99xtine99 Sydney
    Posts: 29Member
    Joined: Nov 23, 2012
    if you are traveling via train, you can take the bus to either kingsgrove or hurstville train station. From there travel time by train would be 15-20 minutes. If you are traveling by car, it would take you around the same time or less via princess highway.
  • xtine99xtine99 Sydney
    Posts: 29Member
    Joined: Nov 23, 2012
    I mean going to kingsgrove and hurstville train station, you need to take the bus which is just at the front of the house, then from the stations going to the city may take you 15-20 minutes.
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