How long did it take you to get a job?
most recent by lvnrtnr
NAATI - CCL exam - additional 5 points for 189/190 visa
most recent by CinnZinn
most recent by Iampirate13
most recent by CantThinkAnyUserName
Engineers Australia Skills Assessment
most recent by mamertz
most recent by whimpee
most recent by RheaMARN1171933
Launceston Tasmania - looking for friends!
most recent by Factormeals
most recent by jmcounters
The longest running Pinoy-Australian Forum site in the history. We are connecting Pinoys "in" and "to" Australia since 2010! If you want to join in, click one of these buttons!
Posts: 712Member
Joined: May 30, 2011
“We can make our own plans, but the LORD gives the right answer.”
Posts: 250Member
Joined: Sep 07, 2011
ACS 262113 / Arrived in Adelaide 19/02/12
Employment started 19/03/2012
Enjoying the land down under
Posts: 5,037Member, De-activated
Joined: Feb 23, 2012
Sep 24, 2011 - IELTS (L-8 R-8 W-8 S-7.5 : OBS-8)
Jan 04, 2012 - EA application submitted | Feb 23, 2012 - EA assessment result (IE ANZSCO 233511)
May 8, 2012 - Lodged GSM 175 online application | June 4, 2012 - CO Allocated
June 22, 2012 - Medicals Finalized | Aug 30, 2012 - PCCs Completed (PH, UAE, USA)
Sep 3, 2012 - Visa Granted (IED Jun 11, 2013) Thank You Lord!
Oct 16-28, 2012 - Initial Entry Completed - Sydney
July 28, 2013 - Final move to Perth
Sep 9, 2013 - Started work with the same company i worked for in UAE/USA
Oct 28, 2013 - Moved to another company..
Posts: 49Member
Joined: Feb 16, 2012
Posts: 571Member, De-activated
Joined: Dec 29, 2010
Please contact admin if you need anything from me, I dont often login to this account.
Please spare some time to read our "Rules" located at the bottom of the page.
Posts: 712Member
Joined: May 30, 2011
“We can make our own plans, but the LORD gives the right answer.”
Posts: 528Member
Joined: Jan 08, 2011
Nominated Occupation: Software Engineer (261313) - Husband is the primary applicant.
10.21.2012 - Arrived in Melbourne. This is the day that the Lord has made.
03.26.2012 - Visa granted. God is good, all the time! All the time, God is good!
03.23.2012 - PCC submitted and medicals finalized
03.02.2012 - Application being processed further / CO assigned
06.26.2011 - Lodged Visa 175 application
Posts: 993Member
Joined: Feb 15, 2012
261313 (Software Engineer)
Feb.15.2012 - started working on ACS requirements
Mar.02.2012 - submitted online ACS application and sent documents to ACS via Fedex
Mar.05.2012 - ACS acknowledged actual documents
Mar.21.2012 - ACS finalised assessment: Suitable
Mar.31.2012 - IELTS exam with BC
Apr.13.2012 - IELTS Results (L:8.5 R:7 W: 7 S: 8 OB: 7.5) Thank you LORD!
Apr.14.2012 - Lodged 175 Online Application
Apr.20.2012 - Completed Online Attachments
May.24.2012 - "Application being processed further"
May.29.2012 - CO Assigned :-)
Jun.07.2012 - Uploaded NBI Clearance
Jun.13.2012 - Medical/Health Requirements Finalised
Jun.14.2012 - VISA GRANT! Thank you, LORD! :-)
Jun.07.2013 - Initial Entry Date Deadline
Apr.28.2013 - Initial Entry (Sydney)
Jun.28.2013 - Verbal Job Offer (Melbourne)
Jul.08.2013 - First day of Work and first day of child care for my son (Melbourne)
Aug.21.2013 - First day of Work in Sydney
"Great is the LORD and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom." Psalm 145:3
Posts: 2,616Member, Moderator
Joined: Jan 13, 2011
Online ba kayo nag apply ng trabaho?
Joined: Jun 28, 2011
"Wise men learn from their mistakes, but wiser men learn from the mistakes of others."
'Success is when you finished what you have started."
If you’re looking for Church in Canberra ACT Australia and you want to fellowship with Christian Filipino Australian.
Come and join us in Jesus Is Lord Church Canberra service every Sunday at 10:30AM to 12:30PM
Where: 53 Georgina Crescent, Kaleen ACT 2617
(Back of Kaleen Shopping Centre)
For more information, please PM me or visit
"To God be the glory"
Posts: 157Member
Joined: Jun 27, 2011
Posts: 40Member
Joined: Jun 24, 2011
10 Dec 2011 - Submitted ACS Online Application and sent docs via Fedex
3 Dec 2011 - IELTS 1st take (L7.5 R8.5 S7 W 6)
14 Dec 2011 - ACS received my documents
10 Jan 2012 - ACS Positive result
18 Feb 2012 - IELTS 2nd take (L8 R9 S6.5 W7.5)
3 Mar 2012 - applied for IELTS Remarking (no changes)
5 Oct 2012 - submitted EOI (65 points, subclass 189)
15 Oct 2012 - invite received
Posts: 599Member
Joined: Jan 13, 2011
05/17/11 - ACS favorable result released for my husband's skills assessment nominated job-261311 Analyst Programmer.
12/10/11 - Hubby IELTS first take at BC result L & R-5.5, W & S-6.0 OBS=6.0 retake!!!
12/30/11- Hubby registered at 9.0 Niners.
03/15/14 - Hubby's comeback at 9.0 Niners preparing for IELTS test. Second attempt for Australian visa.
05/12/14 - Complete uploading of ACS skills assessment required documents and payment made thru direct deposit.
05/12/14 - ACS assessment application received.
07/02/14 - ACS skills assessment result suitable ANZCO code 262113 Systems Administrator as recommended by CO for hubby's job description rather than ANZCO 261311 Analyst Programmer the first ACS ANZCO result suitable released in 2011. I conclude ACS reclassifies ICT Occupations.
- Work exp. 12yrs. less 6yrs deduction by ACS.
- Educ. Qualification assessed as AQF Associate Degree major in computing for a 4yr. course BS. Computer Science in a section 2 school.
Posts: 712Member
Joined: May 30, 2011
“We can make our own plans, but the LORD gives the right answer.”
Posts: 265Member
Joined: Aug 28, 2011
Follow your heart but trust your gut.
Posts: 200Member
Joined: Jan 15, 2011
About resume, sinunod ko ang instruction ni katie049, like the use of british/australian spelling, i.e. centre, analyse, etc, the date should be dd/mm/yyyy format. Resume should be clear, concise and complete. Indicate your level of expertise. Yes, you may exaggerate but make sure you can justify it on the interview.
Be yourself during the interview. Practice to speak and do some rehearsal before the interview. Be spontaneous and make sure you are well-versed with technical terms related to your job knowledge and skills.
Sa lahat ng mga nagcongratulate, maraming salamat po, nakakataba ng puso. I hope to see you all in australia.
Posts: 528Member
Joined: Jan 08, 2011
Pano ka nila kino-contact? Email ba muna or tatawag na sila sa cellphone mo? Ikaw ba ang nagsusuggest na Skype or sila?
Meron ka na bang pwedeng tirhan sa Sydney like relatives or friends? If wala pa, pano ka naghahanap? Sorry, dami kong questions ha. We're planning ahead na din kasi and glad to have someone like you here na pwede tanungan.
Nominated Occupation: Software Engineer (261313) - Husband is the primary applicant.
10.21.2012 - Arrived in Melbourne. This is the day that the Lord has made.
03.26.2012 - Visa granted. God is good, all the time! All the time, God is good!
03.23.2012 - PCC submitted and medicals finalized
03.02.2012 - Application being processed further / CO assigned
06.26.2011 - Lodged Visa 175 application
Posts: 172Member
Joined: Apr 23, 2011
April 16, 2011 - took IELTS (L:8, R:7.5, W:8, S:7.5 OBS:8) I June 2, 2011 - submitted skills assessment to EA I October 26, 2011 - applied for Victoria State Sponsorship I December 03, 2011 - fiancee took IELTS I December 26, 2011 - lodged visa 176 (Victoria SS/Melbourne) I January 23,2012 - CO Allocation (Team 6) I February 20, 2012 - Submitted Police Clearances (Philippines, India & Maldives) I February 26, 2012 - finished medicals I March 13, 2012 - VISA GRANT! THANK YOU LORD!!! I December 04,2012 - initial entry as stated in the visa grant notification
Posts: 2,616Member, Moderator
Joined: Jan 13, 2011
Nahihiya kasi ako gumamit ng accent baka isipin nila trying hard hehe.
Posts: 599Member
Joined: Jan 13, 2011
Thanks! @tootzkie for sharing...that idea is very informative to us.
Tip ko lang din sa mga newly grantees who are looking for a job in Oz provide yourself an Aussie sim card pabili na lang kayo sa friend nyo sa Oz para accessible kayo o madaling kontakin. This is an idea from my friend who are already in Oz.
05/17/11 - ACS favorable result released for my husband's skills assessment nominated job-261311 Analyst Programmer.
12/10/11 - Hubby IELTS first take at BC result L & R-5.5, W & S-6.0 OBS=6.0 retake!!!
12/30/11- Hubby registered at 9.0 Niners.
03/15/14 - Hubby's comeback at 9.0 Niners preparing for IELTS test. Second attempt for Australian visa.
05/12/14 - Complete uploading of ACS skills assessment required documents and payment made thru direct deposit.
05/12/14 - ACS assessment application received.
07/02/14 - ACS skills assessment result suitable ANZCO code 262113 Systems Administrator as recommended by CO for hubby's job description rather than ANZCO 261311 Analyst Programmer the first ACS ANZCO result suitable released in 2011. I conclude ACS reclassifies ICT Occupations.
- Work exp. 12yrs. less 6yrs deduction by ACS.
- Educ. Qualification assessed as AQF Associate Degree major in computing for a 4yr. course BS. Computer Science in a section 2 school.
Posts: 200Member
Joined: Jan 15, 2011
They notified me about the skype interview through email. Then they scheduled it at my own convenient time. Prior to that, i rehearsed on how to answer smartly. I observed correct pronunciation and intonation. Accent doesnt necessarily to be british or australian, be a filipino coz our accent is accepted globally.
Kapag may sense of humor ang interviewer sakyan nyo.
"Uhmm, you look nice". The interviewer commented when i opened my cam.
I said, "you look beautiful mam". Tumawa sya kasi hindi naman sya kagandahan.
"You are the only person who told me that I'm beautiful". SAbi nya.
"The word beautiful is subjective mam, every person has its own standpoint on beauty. Some people say you are beautiful and some say otherwise."
Then tumawa na naman sya. Ayun nawala ana ng tension ko.
About accommodation, sa backpacker lang muna ako kasi single naman ako, then kapag sumuweldo sa 5-star na..... JOWK lng hehehe. I prefer backpacker so i can socialize with different nationalities of different culture. Parang yan din ang sagot ko sa speaking test noong tinanong ako kung san ako nag-i-stay when i go out of country hahahaha.
Posts: 528Member
Joined: Jan 08, 2011
Nominated Occupation: Software Engineer (261313) - Husband is the primary applicant.
10.21.2012 - Arrived in Melbourne. This is the day that the Lord has made.
03.26.2012 - Visa granted. God is good, all the time! All the time, God is good!
03.23.2012 - PCC submitted and medicals finalized
03.02.2012 - Application being processed further / CO assigned
06.26.2011 - Lodged Visa 175 application
Posts: 243Member
Joined: Oct 05, 2011
Nominated Occupation: ICT BA
Assessment: July 2014
EOI created: Feb 2015 applied SS to NSW but failed (waited for year pero ayaw pa din)
PTE Test: Took July 2015 failed
Retake PTE Dec 2015: Passed
Got invited Feb 2016
March 22: :Paid visa fee
Posts: 31Member
Joined: Jan 16, 2012
(Sana hindi ito mabasa ng housemate ko)
Posts: 2,616Member, Moderator
Joined: Jan 13, 2011
di po ba mas makakamura kayo pag shared flat kayo?
Posts: 200Member
Joined: Jan 15, 2011
rclem, about sa paglalaba, may laundry station naman dun, ako mismo ang maglalaba sa washing machine. About food, pwede rin akong magluto kasi may kitchen sila.
Lokijr, shared flat ang option ko talaga, i'll try to acclimatize myself first to the new environment kaya nagbackpacker ako for 7 days. Single kasi ako at walang kausap, so kung 6 kami sa isang room eh di may ka-jamming ako, makakasama ko sila sa pamamasyal. May pagka-extrovert kasi ako, i sometimes find my happiness to other people. Friendly din ako at walang masamang tinapay sakin hehehe. Actually ang favorite hang-out ko eh dun sa pinsan kong nakatira sa squatter, sobra kasing dami ng tao sa lugar nila, tapos ang bababaw ng mga tao, laging nakatawa. Then laging may rambol. Ang saya hahahaha.
Ngayon ko na-realize, mahirap pala mag-migrate ng single, parang wala kang kahati ng feelings at emotions mo, walang magsasabi sayo ng... "kaya natin yan". Bigla tuloy akong nalungkot, hanap na nga ako ng mapapangasawa hahahahah.
Posts: 599Member
Joined: Jan 13, 2011
Ayy! off topic...sorry admin baka lang ma edit, joke!
05/17/11 - ACS favorable result released for my husband's skills assessment nominated job-261311 Analyst Programmer.
12/10/11 - Hubby IELTS first take at BC result L & R-5.5, W & S-6.0 OBS=6.0 retake!!!
12/30/11- Hubby registered at 9.0 Niners.
03/15/14 - Hubby's comeback at 9.0 Niners preparing for IELTS test. Second attempt for Australian visa.
05/12/14 - Complete uploading of ACS skills assessment required documents and payment made thru direct deposit.
05/12/14 - ACS assessment application received.
07/02/14 - ACS skills assessment result suitable ANZCO code 262113 Systems Administrator as recommended by CO for hubby's job description rather than ANZCO 261311 Analyst Programmer the first ACS ANZCO result suitable released in 2011. I conclude ACS reclassifies ICT Occupations.
- Work exp. 12yrs. less 6yrs deduction by ACS.
- Educ. Qualification assessed as AQF Associate Degree major in computing for a 4yr. course BS. Computer Science in a section 2 school.
Posts: 528Member
Joined: Jan 08, 2011
Nominated Occupation: Software Engineer (261313) - Husband is the primary applicant.
10.21.2012 - Arrived in Melbourne. This is the day that the Lord has made.
03.26.2012 - Visa granted. God is good, all the time! All the time, God is good!
03.23.2012 - PCC submitted and medicals finalized
03.02.2012 - Application being processed further / CO assigned
06.26.2011 - Lodged Visa 175 application