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Canberra ACT only: MARRS "Learn to Drive' Program cost $30 per lesson

TotoyOZresidentTotoyOZresident Posts: 1,327Member, Moderator
edited January 2014 in ACT - Canberra
from City News May 2, 2013 link;

A NEW program teaching migrants and refugees how to drive was launched in the Capital today by Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Joy Burch.

In conjunction with the ACT government, the Migrant and Refugee Settlement Services (MARSS) have released their ‘Learn to Drive’ program, which reportedly already has a great deal of interest from the community.

According to the Multicultural Affairs Minister, regular driving lessons can cost up to $90 per lesson, but under the new MARSS program, participants will only pay $30 per lesson. The lessons can also include interpreting services if needed.

MARRS website link

Please search in marss website kung mayrun pa ibang program that will help for newly arrived migrant in canberra ACT.

At sa mga newly migrant na nasa ibang state mag research lang po kayo o magtanung tanung sa ibang migrant baka may community program na katulad nito. cheers :D

"Wise men learn from their mistakes, but wiser men learn from the mistakes of others."
'Success is when you finished what you have started."

If you’re looking for Church in Canberra ACT Australia and you want to fellowship with Christian Filipino Australian.
Come and join us in Jesus Is Lord Church Canberra service every Sunday at 10:30AM to 12:30PM
Where: 53 Georgina Crescent, Kaleen ACT 2617
(Back of Kaleen Shopping Centre)
For more information, please PM me or visit

"To God be the glory"


  • carboycarboy Braddon
    Posts: 52Member
    Joined: May 16, 2013
    Thanks for the link boss!
  • katakata North Ryde
    Posts: 98Member
    Joined: Aug 08, 2013
    Thanks! ok to a. :)

    Feb 15, 2013 - ASC Skill Assessment Lodged
    Apr 16, 2013 - ASC Skill Assessment Result Received
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    Jul 5, 2013 - IELTS Resut received (L-7.0, R-8.0, W-6.5, S-7.0, Overall -7.0)
    Sep 6, 2013 - EOI Completed and Submitted for ACT State Sponsorship (SS)
    Nov 1, 2013 - ACT SS Invitation Received
    Nov 6, 2013 - Lodged Visa subclass 190
    Dec 13, 2013 - Medicals done
    Jan 7, 2014 - CO assigned (Adelaide GSM Team)
    Jan 9, 2014 - Submitted additional requirements.
    Jan 9, 2014 - VISA GRANTED!!!! Thank you Papa God!! :)
    July 31, 2014 - First Entry in Australia
    Oct 11, 2014 - Got JO in Sydney
    Oct 13,2014 - Requested for ACT release from SS
    Oct 14,2014 - Request granted from the case officer
    Oct 20,2014 - First day at work. Thank God!!!


    "Something good comes to those who wait."

  • AnnmajAnnmaj Canberra
    Posts: 7Member
    Joined: May 30, 2016
    Thanks for the link! :) Can you also suggest a good and affordable driving instructor/school here in Canberra? Im planning to take sana the government's practical test. Pero need ko muna maglessons before taking it. Thanks!
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