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student visa inquiry

redvaseredvase SydneyPosts: 7Member
edited March 2013 in Study and Training Visa
Hi everyone! I lodged my student visa application last 20 February 2013 and I was asked to send bank statement/transaction details for the last 3 months because my case officer told me that I did not meet the minimum required amount for a student visa applicant. I was surprised he told me about it because I made sure that the money I have in the the bank stays for 3-4 months and its more that what they require me to have. I sent a ledger from the bank where one could find the transaction details on certain months. My question is, is it ok if I'll send a letter explaining the details of what was there in the ledger? I just want to explain to my case officer what was being explained to me by the bank personnel. Im a bit worried because I dont wanna be rejected the 2nd time around. please give me a light on this matter. Thank you so much!!


  • LindaLinda Quezon City
    Posts: 17Member
    Joined: Nov 16, 2013
    hello redvase nasa au k n b?kc nadeny n rin ako pero ulit uli ako naglagay n ako ng 1M sa acct.ko .wait ko p ang 3 months history ng pera .ok n kya yon?
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