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Room for Rent in Ingle Farm

migik22migik22 MelbournePosts: 42Member
edited December 2013 in Housing & Rentals
Hello everyone! My friends are looking for a female who would like to rent a room in their house. The room is furnished with wardrobe, mirror and single bed. Ingle Farm is 20 mins to city via Obahn. 5-6 mins walk to Ingle Farm shopping centre. Just across the house is the Ingle Farm public library and recreation centre.

Rent is $145/week inclusive of gas,water,electricity and internet.

If you are interested, please email Jopie: [email protected]


  • pjcruzpjcruz Melbourne
    Posts: 7Member
    Joined: Jan 20, 2014
    Hi, I'm Pauline a 32 year old Filipino female. I am a very tidy, respectful and quite a private person too. I'm starting a 5month course (ARNTP) at UniSA on March 26 and I'm looking for affordable accomodation near the university. I will be arriving at Adelaide on March 13 and if your room is still available by then I would be happy to rent. thank you. My email ad [email protected]
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