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Visa Pacific carrying on the good work of Don Watson

angelesadsangelesads Quezon CityPosts: 8Member
edited February 2014 in Migration Agent
Don Watson was a very well known and respected Visa Agent in the Philippines, when he died last year his ex staff rallied and have kept the business going but under a different name Visa Pacific, they offer the same expert advice that was given by Don. His shoes are big ones to fill but the staff are determined to keep his memory alive. Don was a wonderful guy and very missed up here in Phi.


  • AussieblokeAussiebloke Mandaluyong
    Posts: 1Member
    Joined: Apr 11, 2014
    I heard that he was never registered with the government, and not actually a qualified agent within Australia. So how can anyone say that he was a well respected visa agent? Now you're saying a bunch of Filipinos have taken over his business, and are advising on Australian Law? What a joke. I think i'll be safer with a registered, and licensed migration agent.
  • mangomanmangoman Davao City
    Posts: 2Member
    Joined: Apr 11, 2014
    Well known and respected? Yeah right! Never even spoke to this great man! Never there! Dealt with him five years ago and nothing but Filipino girls in his office who couldn't understand my accent! Just talk to my girl in Tagalog and said "for a while sir" when I spoke. Lost interest once they got paid. And now all the great staff own and run it! Blind leading the blind!
  • F115F115 Sydney
    Posts: 1Member
    Joined: Jan 26, 2015
    I have to disagree with the comments of Aussiebloke and mangoman, in relation to the late Don Watson. He was recommended to me by a taxi driver I met in Sydney. I exchanged many emails with Don through 2009. His replies were always prompt and clear. I met Don in Manila in January 2010. I found him to be a thoroughly decent bloke, who was generous with his time. I wasn't able to use his services, due to unexpected financial difficulties, but I would have had no hesitation in using his company. His office appeared well-run and professional.
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