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Visa 600 Sponsored Family for mum-Withdraw or Proceed?

mondejarmondejar MelbournePosts: 21Member
My mom previously granted her visa for the first time on 09-Dec-2016 and because of that she was able to stay with us here in Australia for 12 months straight from February 4, 2017, till January 27, 2018, under Visa 600 Sponsored Family Stream with the following Visa Conditions:
8101 - NO WORK

She met all those conditions so I thought of applying for a new visa with the ability for her to stay with us again for 12 months and with multiple-entry visa.

I submitted my application and a few weeks later, immigration sends me an e-mail with "Request Checklist and Details" form. And in this form, it mentions a requirement saying:

Other Requirements
****Please note: Under the Sponsored Family Stream, applicants can spend no more than 12 months in an 18 month period onshore. As the applicant has recently spent 12 months in Australia, visa will be considered for a length of stay of 6 months

With this requirement, I have the following question:
1. Does it mean immigration will only give us a maximum of 6 months stay for my mom since she already stayed with us for 12 months in the last 18 months?
2. Will there be a chance our application gonna be rejected simply because I re-applied too soon since my mom just returned back to her country of origin (Philippines) a few weeks ago and that she already stay 12 months stay with us (Feb 2017 to Jan 27, 2018)?
3. Even if our application is granted, does it mean my mom can only enter Australia on July 27, 2018, so that she will not breach the rule that states " applicants cannot spend no more than 12 months in an 18 month period onshore"?
4. Is it advisable for me to cancel this application now or shall I proceed with my mom's health/medical assessment?

I hope this community would help me with these 4 questions. Thanks in advance!


  • YukishihYukishih Melbourne
    Posts: 430Member
    Joined: Jan 27, 2012
    Hi po. Ano nangyari sa application ni mama mk? Dad ko ganyan din ang case. Walang warning. Narefused sya. Then pinauwi ko nagre apply ako narefused ulit because of the reason that was given to you. Kainis kasi sabi lang dun sa una not enough reason so nag re apply ako ayun na dahil sa 8558 na. Wala naman conditon dad ko kundi yung no study, no work and must leave before visa expiry. Naiinis ako kasi ang pangit na ng record tuloy.

    22May2012 Applied at Deakin University
    24May2012 Deakin University assessment
    11June2012 Offer Letter
    13June2012 Requested for Campus transfer
    03July2012 Approved Request for transfer with new offer
    12July2012 Sent hard copies of documents before payment of tuition Fee
    17July2012 Paid tuition Fee
    18July2012 Received eCoE
    30July2012 Filed visa application at VIA centre
    31July2012 Received sms acknowledgement from Australian Embassy
    01August2012 Medical Notification
    Medicals done for my whole family except for my U/A
    which is pending
    25August2012 e-Health uploaded to Australian Embassy
    31August2012 Visa Granted!
    01September2012 Received Confirmation

    That in all things GOD may be glorified!

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