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nirvana006nirvana006 MelbournePosts: 6Member
Hi mga kababayan!

I do have an enquiry on what do you think would be more practical choice ? Is it doing the bridging course or doing the spouse/ de facto visa?

Im considering the expenses and of course TIME LINE din..whether is would be best for me and my partner to do either of the two.

Im a registered Nurse in Philippines and US. When it comes to Experience as a nurse in PH .. I have no paid experience. In US nman, I have a paid experience as a clinical reviewer for claims in a health insurance . Now, I have an ongoing working visa (Immigrant ) in US and just waiting for the current Priority date. Nonetheless, I have a boyfriend here in AU and we are already 1 year and 4 months together. HE is willing to help me to get my career here as a nurse in AU however, finances wise ano kaya mas mabuti ang practical for our situation? I do want to stay here in AU kase maganda ang health benefit however , deep inside me is saying that I dont want to give up my American dream.

Any inputs would be appreciated.
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