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Temporary and Permanent Visa for Lean Startups

yayyay29yayyay29 PhilippinesPosts: 5Member
edited May 2018 in Other Migration Topic
Good day all! Could I please ask if anyone has advice on temporary and permanent visas and pathways for lean startups? Apparently there are a number of existing entrepreneur related (permanent) visa pathways. The least requirement is $200,000 which excludes (many) lean startups and the jobs they could create. A new lean startup friendly permanent visa pathway with much lower requirements is expected to launch in South Australia soon, and the rest of Australia in 2019. I'm expecting an all expenses paid invitation to develop a lean startup over the next 12 to 24 years.I would like to take up this invitation in June/July 2018 if possible.I'm wondering what temporary visas are available now, and how to approach the application.Thank you in advance.
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