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Married couple looking for a room

AussiepangarapAussiepangarap Posts: 28Member
edited September 2018 in Accommodations
Hello po, naghahanap po kami ng room, preferably within cbd or pede lang lakarin to pirie st. Adelaide SA (Hubby’s new job po ay sa pirie st.) eta- is by Nov.7. thank u!


  • GereonGereon Adelaide, South Australia
    Posts: 13Member
    Joined: Mar 12, 2018
    Hello, I am Gie Ardivilla. If you want a room that is accessible by walking distance to Pirie street in Adelaide, you may want to look at Uno Apartments along Waymouth Street. That's the street opposite to Pirie Street. Maybe 5 to 7 minutes walk. Link below:
  • GereonGereon Adelaide, South Australia
    Posts: 13Member
    Joined: Mar 12, 2018
    If you would like to look for an alternative, like taking a 10-20 minute bus ride to get to work, you may send a text message Gie Ardivilla at +61478-939-477.
    Please click on the link below:
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