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Available Rooms in Caroline Springs Melbourne

cutie_rhachcutie_rhach MelbournePosts: 88Member
edited October 2018 in Accommodations
Hi, My auntie is looking for a housemate that is clean, tidy, who respects others privacy and is easy to get along with. Location is near shopping centre, parks/lakes, and public transport.
If you're interested, please don't hesitate to send me a message. Thanks. :)

20/08/2014-IELTS Speaking Test
21/08/2014-IELTS Listening, Reading and Writing Test
03/09/2014-IELTS Results: R-8.0, L-7.5, W-7.0, S-7.0 OBS: 7.5
19/09/2014-Lodged school application via IDP
11/11/2014-Received offer letter from Victoria University
29/11/2014-Paid OSHC
02/12/2014-Paid tuition fee
02/12/2014-Received eCOE
05/12/2014-Completed medical examination at NHSI Makati
05/12/2014-Submitted visa application via IDP
11/12/2014-Embassy acknnowledged application
23/12/2014-VISA GRANTED!

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