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Occupation ceilings

OzyCebuanoOzyCebuano SingaporePosts: 50Member
From here:
Makikita ang remaining slots for the current fiscal year

Pagkaka.intindi ko is all occupation under 2613 (Software and Applications Programmers) will share the same quota. TAMA PO BA?

So EOI (SC 189 or 190), does it matter if anong occupation ang ilalagay mo? Like Software Engineer or Developer Programmer? Like anong difference?

Salamat for sa makakasagot


  • fgsfgs Cooper Basin
    Posts: 1,161Member
    Joined: Nov 12, 2013
    Follow your nominated occupation listed in your skills assessment. Quota per occupation includes 189,190, 489 and the work visa 482. With the reduction of 30,000 in migration level target, quotas per occupation will dramatically reduce.
  • OzyCebuanoOzyCebuano Singapore
    Posts: 50Member
    Joined: Aug 02, 2017
    @fgs I got positive assessments for 2 occupations. I just want to know if there is a difference if I choose one over the other.
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