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Shortage of Points for 489 Visa

MenggayMenggay SingaporePosts: 9Member
Hi po I just want to ask, overall I got 55 points. I’m targeting to apply for 489 visa, after the EA assessment should I get first the regional state nomination before I lodge my EOI?or I can do simultaneously? thank you in advance


  • juliatheambitiousouljuliatheambitiousoul Posts: 52Member
    Joined: Mar 14, 2019
    edited April 2019
    Is the 55 points inclusive of the state nomination/sponsorship points or not? Because the minimum points as of now is 65 points. If inclusive, then you need to meet the minimum points first.

    Once you meet the minimum points, lodge the EOI and wait for ITA (invitation to apply). If you are lodging your EOI, it will automatically calculate your points based on the information you are providing and it will indicate whether you are eligible or not as far as I can remember.
  • magueromaguero Adelaide
    Posts: 831Member
    Joined: Oct 24, 2016
    @Menggay You have to check which states are sponsoring your occupation and then check the sponsorship process of each state. Iba-iba yung process per state. I previously applied for sponsorship in 2 states and both of them required me to submit a state sponsorship application with the EOI number indicated in the application. There are states who nominate 489 applicants based on their state-sponsorship application and not just based on the EOI.
  • MenggayMenggay Singapore
    Posts: 9Member
    Joined: Mar 26, 2019
    @juliatheambitiousoul 55 points does not include the points on state nomination
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