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Tips in looking for temporary accommodation in Melbourne

ulan889ulan889 MelbournePosts: 78Member

Few tips for new migrants:
1. Massive level crossing removal projects and construction nowadays so trains are not available in some suburbs like southeast Frankston or Cranbourne line refer to this link
2. When someone posted the room is "near bus stop" it doesn't mean its accessible. Bus interval usually 30-60 minutes. (I've been victim of this false info by fellow Filo)
3. Mostly of cheap rental are in west.."in this world you get what you pay for" (tarneit,footscray,sunshine,st.albans etc..)

ANZSCO 233211: Civil Engineer
Age 31 - 30 points
English - 0 points
Bachelor's Degree- 15 points
Work Experience- 15 points
Total- 60 points

March 2017 - EA + RSEA Positive Outcome
March 2017 - Subclass Invitation 189
April 20, 2017 - Lodge Visa Complete docs
Sept. 12, 2017 - Direct Grant
Feb. 2018 - Initial Entry (Melbourne)


  • Captain_ACaptain_A AUSTRALIA
    Posts: 2,179Member, Moderator
    Joined: Jul 04, 2012

    @ulan889 said:
    Few tips for new migrants:
    1. Massive level crossing removal projects and construction nowadays so trains are not available in some suburbs like southeast Frankston or Cranbourne line refer to this link
    2. When someone posted the room is "near bus stop" it doesn't mean its accessible. Bus interval usually 30-60 minutes. (I've been victim of this false info by fellow Filo)
    3. Mostly of cheap rental are in west.."in this world you get what you pay for" (tarneit,footscray,sunshine,st.albans etc..)


    18 Mar '16 IELTS Results
    06 Apr '16 EA CDR Skills Assessment submitted
    26 Apr '16 EA Skills Assessment Positive Outcome
    06 May '16 PTE-A Exam
    07 May '16 PTE- A Results & Submitted EOI
    11 May '16 Got ITA
    02 Jun '16 Lodge Visa
    04 Jul '16 Direct Grant

    Believe you can... and you're halfway there.... - Roosevelt

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