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My Detailed Journey to Australia

Hi guys, I just want to share with you and maybe inspire you with my detailed journey to Australia. This is my personal experience on how I became an AU-RN.

Please watch my YouTube video, then leave your comments if you think you have the same journey or have some other reactions/questions/suggestions.

Also, if you like to hear more about myself, my nursing journey and adventures and all other migration related stuff please subscribe my channel.

Thanks, and more power to you guys.


  • IntrovertGailIntrovertGail Posts: 2Member
    Joined: Apr 18, 2020

    To watch my other videos, please visit and subscribe my YouTube channel at

  • bulbasaurbulbasaur Perth, WA
    Posts: 81Member
    Joined: Jan 29, 2015

    Thanks for sharing. Good advice po maam.

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