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Is it a good idea if you are a freelancer or contractor to make use of a Umbrella company if you mov

Zia47Zia47 Posts: 1Member

I am currently living in Brisbane and moving to the UK very soon is it a must to make use of the services of an umbrella company or can you do your own thing and handle your own payroll and taxes. I have read that there are penalties and even jail time if your taxes aren’t handled properly which really scares me. Which is why I’m thinking of have a backup plan and research some umbrella companies. Did a google search and this was one of the first ones that popped up . Seems like they really know what they talking about on their website or is everything too good to be true. They are called Unified Payroll would appreciate it if someone could have a look on their website to advise if an umbrella company is a proper choice.

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