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What documents to certify?

Hello everyone,
New here. Ask ko lang po what are the documents to certify for applying visa (visa 190)? Salamat


  • xiaolicoxiaolico Australia
    Posts: 985Member
    Joined: Aug 13, 2016

    nung time ko, wala. sa pinas ako nag process. kailangan lang clear colored scan copies


    Computer Network and Systems Engineer - 263111
    Age 33-39- 25points
    English superior- 20points
    Bachelor's Degree- 15points
    Work Experience- 10pts
    Total- 70pts

    July 25, 2016- Lodged ACS
    August 2, 2016- Favorable letter from ACS
    January 10, 2017- Took PTE
    January 12, 2017- PTE exam results (L90 R86 S90 W79)
    January 12, 2017- EOI
    January 18, 2017- ITA received
    January 19, 2017- NBI (hit)
    January 23, 2017- Visa Lodge 189
    January 24, 2017- Medical bgc
    January 27, 2017- NBI clearance received
    February 2, 2017- Medical cleared (no action required)
    February 15, 2017- Grant
    October 26, 2017- Flight to Melbourne
    October 27, 2017- Landed in Melbourne
    July 14, 2018- Moved to Sydney
    October 11, 2019- Wife gave birth to a baby boy
    October 20, 2019- Applied for baby's birth certificate online
    October 23, 2019- Baby boy's birth certificate received
    October 25, 2019- Applied for baby's medicare
    October 31, 2019- Baby's medicare activated
    October 31, 2019- Applied for baby's citizenship certificate
    November 7, 2019- Received baby's citizenship certificate
    November 13, 2019- Applied for baby's passport
    November 20, 2019- Baby's AU passport received
    November 2, 2021- Submitted AU citizenship application for myself and my wife
    April 14, 2022- Received Interview with Standard Test letter. May 25 schedule.
    May 25, 2022- Passed the Australian Citizenship Test
    May 25, 2022- Citizenship Approval Received
    September 15, 2022- Invitation to Citizenship Ceremony Received
    October 6, 2022- Citizenship Ceremony
    October 18, 2022- AU passport application lodged
    November 7, 2022- Passport received

  • Captain_ACaptain_A AUSTRALIA
    Posts: 2,179Member, Moderator
    Joined: Jul 04, 2012

    @johnrey said:
    Hello everyone,
    New here. Ask ko lang po what are the documents to certify for applying visa (visa 190)? Salamat

    clear colored scanned copies lang


    18 Mar '16 IELTS Results
    06 Apr '16 EA CDR Skills Assessment submitted
    26 Apr '16 EA Skills Assessment Positive Outcome
    06 May '16 PTE-A Exam
    07 May '16 PTE- A Results & Submitted EOI
    11 May '16 Got ITA
    02 Jun '16 Lodge Visa
    04 Jul '16 Direct Grant

    Believe you can... and you're halfway there.... - Roosevelt

  • JacrayeJacraye Sydney
    Posts: 276Member
    Joined: Mar 06, 2018

    @johnrey said:
    Hello everyone,
    New here. Ask ko lang po what are the documents to certify for applying visa (visa 190)? Salamat

    clear coloured copies for the visa application itself. pero prior to that, like skills assessment, some organisations require certified copies of specific documents.


    ANZSCO 233213 Quantity Surveyor

  • johnreyjohnrey Posts: 9Member
    Joined: Nov 19, 2020

    Ask ko lang din what if valid yung old coe. Problem kasi, closed na yung company 10 years ago. T
    hank you everyone for your help. God bless you.

  • johnreyjohnrey Posts: 9Member
    Joined: Nov 19, 2020

    If apply na ng EOI, dun na sya kailangan ng certified documents or pwede na din Colored scan copy?

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