The house is located at Lalor Park (Blacktown Area) 3 to 5 mins. drive to either two Train Stations, Seven Hills and Blacktown respectively. The Bus is an alternative for transportation and very convenient as there are two walking distance bus stations nearby. Awesome location and very quiet & friendly neighbours. Close to Westpoint Shopping Centre, Blacktown.
I am looking for 1 person (male or female) to share with a cozy 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms house. Non-smoker, friendly, understand acceptable & reasonable house rules and must be working. There are 2 spare rooms to choose from (note for two different prices, $175/wk {share bathroom} and $210/wk {bigger room & separate bathroom). All Utilities Bills and unlimited internet is included. A bed is provided but toiletries are not provided such as toilet tissues, facial tissues, etc.
The room is ready and you can move ASAP or immediately. If you are interested and should require further information, please SMS me here or on 0450097858
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