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CFO for 496 holders

axlnaxln MelbournePosts: 154Member
edited July 2013 in Working and skilled visas
Hi, Pinoyau.

Is it also require for UZ-496 holders to have CFO sticker?

Thanks in advance.


  • bravebrave Sydney
    Posts: 7Member
    Joined: Oct 14, 2013
    I am new on this site. I emailed the CFO office and here is their reply:

    "Please be advised that all Filipinos leaving the country as emigrants or spouses and other partners of foreign nationals are required to register with the CFO and attend the Pre-Departure Orientation Seminar (PDOS), the Peer Counseling or the Guidance and Counseling Program (GCP), which ever applies depending on your visa. These seminars normally last for 2-3 hours.

    With regards to your inquiry, since you are currently holding a Provisional Visa for Australia which allows you to live in Australia temporarily, you are not considered an emigrant and therefore not required to attend the PDOS or register at CFO.

    For further clarification, please call us at telephone numbers (+632) 552
    4700 local 713 to 714 and 742 to 745.

    Best regards.

    Alexis Jean S. Nicolasora
    Technical Assistant
    Migrant Integration and Education Division

    Approved for transmission:

    Ivy Miravalles
    Migrant Integration and Education Division
  • rolly04rolly04 Bundoora
    Posts: 195Member
    Joined: Sep 29, 2013
    Thanks @brave for sharing.

    CPA (Australia)
    Chartered Accountant (Singapore)
    CPA (Philippines)

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