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OWWA and Temporary Activity visa (subclass 408)

I have a question regarding OWWA registration. At the moment, I am currently on a Bridging Visa A waiting for my application for my Temporary Activity visa (subclass 408) - Australian Government endorsed events (COVID-19 Pandemic event) that is being processed. Prior to that, I was on a Temporary Graduate visa (subclass 485) - Post-Study Work stream.

My current job at the moment is working Casual for a company as part of their Workforce Administration and IT Support.

My question is about whether I should be applying for OWWA membership even though I do not possess a "working" visa. If I need to register, can I do that in the Philippines or does it have to be here in Australia? Please advise and provide more information about this as I'm planning to travel back to the Philippines on the 30th of May this year.

I have contacted the Embassy and they said that if I go home, there's a chance that I might not be able to go back because they are not able to verify my Bridging Visa which is quite weird because the immigration has records of this information.

Was wondering if anyone can shed some light into this for me please?


  • magueromaguero Adelaide
    Posts: 831Member
    Joined: Oct 24, 2016

    You can't travel and come back on a Bridging Visa A. You need to apply for a Bridging Visa B if you want to travel and return to Oz before your 408 visa is granted.

  • magueromaguero Adelaide
    Posts: 831Member
    Joined: Oct 24, 2016

    Check your bridging visa. Mine has a clause that specifically says I need to apply for a Bridging Visa B to travel and return here.

  • hakisterhakister Posts: 23Member
    Joined: Feb 04, 2020

    @maguero said:
    You can't travel and come back on a Bridging Visa A. You need to apply for a Bridging Visa B if you want to travel and return to Oz before your 408 visa is granted.

    Sorry, I forgot to mention in the post that I have already applied for a BVB. The main concern is about OWWA.

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