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AITSL Skill assessment criterion 1 instead of IELTS chance Early Childhood

Hi everyone

I currently living in Melbourne, and plan to study under Graduate Diploma of Early Childhood ( a 1 year full time course). After a year there is going to be a skill assessment but then i realised the IELTS requirement is impossible to obtain (8877). Then i saw this:

An AITSL skills assessment can consider qualifications that are:
completed in any of the six listed English speaking countries that results in award of a qualification;
of at least one year full-time study duration; and
comparable to the educational level of an Australian bachelor degree (Australian Qualifications Framework Level 7) or higher.
Please note that to fulfil the study option of the English Language criterion (Option 1), your total study must equal four full years in any of the six listed English speaking countries and this study must include a recognised initial teacher education qualification. All components of the initial teacher education qualification including supervised teaching practice must be completed in one or more of the six countries listed.

Well i did a Bachelor in Design - Animation and interactive ( 3 years course) and graduated back in 2015, then went back to my home country, not until now in 2022 that i decided to come back to Melbourne PR in mind. But im worried because the bachelor cert is 7-8 years old, i dont know if its going to be a problem and whether AITSL will request me to take the IELTLS.

Do you think i can dodge the IELTS bullet?

Plz let me know ur opinions
Thanks all

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