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How to Choose a Migration Agent

TotoyOZresidentTotoyOZresident Posts: 1,327Member, Moderator
edited September 2011 in Other Migration Topic
from link:

How to Choose a Migration Agent

The Office of the MARA developed a Consumer Guide to help you through the process from choosing an agent to how you can make the most of your registered migration agent's services. The Consumer Guide outlines information that follows and about the complaints process.
See: Consumer Guide (396KB PDF file)

The first thing you need to be sure of is that the person you are dealing with is a registered migration agent. You can do this by either asking to see their certificate of registration (which has their photograph on it) if you are with the agent at the time or by checking the Register of Agents on this website.

Also, for your protection this website contains information about agents whose registration is suspended or cancelled by the Office of the MARA (sanctioned agents) and information about agents who are no longer registered (lapsed agents).
Find a Registered Migration Agent
Sanctioned Agents
Lapsed Agents

Before engaging your migration agent ask for a contract or statement of services and an outline of fees applicable to your circumstances. You should not sign the contract or statement of services until you fully understand the terms of the work to be done. Ask questions to clarify anything you do not understand.

Questions you might ask when choosing your migration agent include:

Experience – What are your areas of expertise? Do you have sufficient experience, knowledge and competence to effectively deal with my matter? What were the outcomes of any prior similar matters?
Options – What are my options? What can I apply for? What do you expect from me in relation to the service? Could the fees be reduced by me doing some of the work, and what are the drawbacks in my doing some of the work?
Fees – What is the fee and what are the terms? If the fee includes a conditional refund, will you provide me with written information as to how you propose to refund my money? Are there any other costs?
See: What does it cost to use a Registered Migration Agent?
You may also consider seeking another opinion on your matter before signing or agreeing to the registered migration agent representing you.

The Department of Immigration and Citizenship has developed two brochures about using a migration agent to help with an application, Immigration Assistance and Using a Migration Agent.
See: Department of Immigration and Citizenship - Agents Gateway > Migration Advice Profession in Australia

What to expect from a migration agent

Migration agents registered with the Office of the MARA are required to:

have a sound knowledge of migration law and administrative practice relating to immigration
abide by the Migration Agents’ Code of Conduct.
All registered migration agents must:

make clients aware of all costs involved with their application and the expected time needed to perform the service
inform clients as to the progress of their application
provide clients with written confirmation of total costs of their application and all steps of the process have to be documented
keep all client information confidential
not make misleading claims as to the likely success of the application.
Registered migration agents are obliged to provide you with a copy of Information on the Regulation of the Migration Agent Profession, which provides you with basic consumer protection information, before starting work for you. The Office of the MARA produces this document. It includes information about the migration advice profession, the functions of the Office of the MARA, the legislation regulating the profession, what a client can reasonably expect from a migration agent, and complaint procedures.
See: Information on the Regulation of the Migration Advice Profession (69KB PDF file)

Article last modified: Tuesday, 25 January 2011 12:50:49 PM
Persons who give immigration assistance must be registered and must display the Code of Conduct.

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  • AdminAdmin Singapore
    Posts: 1,771Administrator
    Joined: Dec 29, 2010
    Try our new migration agent page as well. :)

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