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How to write CDR for Skill Assessment?

cdraustraliaorgcdraustraliaorg 25 Andrew Avenue Brisbane QLD 4000Posts: 22Member

A CDR must be according to Engineers Australia’s guidelines so that one can succeed in one’s skills assessment on the very first attempt. You must write all the necessary components such as a career episode, summary statement, CPD, and a CV/resume to lodge a successful CDR for Skills Assessment.

Write three career episodes focussing on distinct aspects of your engineering activities. While writing each career episode’s paragraph focus on how you applied your engineering skills and knowledge in the nominated occupation. Must write in first-person singular pronouns such as ‘I’ or ‘me’ instead of ‘we’ or ‘us’. Number each career episode to refer to them effectively in the summary statement. A summary statement should summarise all your career episodes. Moreover, mention all your relevant CPDs in a table format, and do not forget to write an updated CV. Know more at CDR Australia.

CDR Australia, World’s Best Engineering Competency Report Writing Service Provider Website.

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