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The simplest way of sending money to your families and loved ones

angelesadsangelesads Quezon CityPosts: 8Member
The bestand easiest way to send money is via Ko-Kard, your families can be issued a card for free, just one ID and you can charge that card from your bank account or credit card, and they can collect from over 8000 ATMs, the exchange rate is good and the charges less than WU. Its so much more convenient, no lining up or waiting, just go to the ATM, Ko-Kard is backed by BDO so its safe and secure, money gets there quickly and you have completed control, the card can also be used like a normal debit card in SM or other stores, I actually had my Visa Card stolen and getting another from Australia was difficult so I signed up and got a Ko Kard and that solved the problem quickly. You can find Ko Kard at this address
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