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Adelaide Meet up 14 September Sunday 2pm

RenRen Adelaide, SAPosts: 220Member

Anyone free this coming sunday?

What: Pinoy AU-SA New Migrants Meet & Greet

When: 14 September (Sunday) 2pm-5pm
Where: Victoria Square, Adelaide

RSVP Ren by 13/9/14 Saturday

Please confirm as soon as you can so we can estimate the number of attendees.
Hope to see you there. Thank you!

I encourage you to join Official Fb Group Pinoy AU Adelaide

Job Searching Tips

Medical Laboratory Technician 311213 (SA State Sponsored 475) 21.8.10 IELTS/ 7.12.09 AIMS assessment/ 25.03.11 SA SS approved/ 27.03.11 VISA lodge DIAC/ 03.05.11 VISA grant/ 25.06.11 Initial Entry/17.10.11 Work/ 08.01.14 PR/ Citizen 30.08.16

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