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Visa widrawn

marymarymarymary MandaluyongPosts: 1Member
Hello everyone. I need some help with regards to my tourist visa application. My boyfriend lodge my application Sept 11. We did it online through my immiaccount. We have submitted everything we need and the application status is on progress or processing. The problem now is, my boyfriend cancelled the application online. He deleted it on our immiaccount. I'm not sure if it's widrawn or it is only deleted on my immiaccount. How would you know if the application is still on process?


  • YukishihYukishih Melbourne
    Posts: 430Member
    Joined: Jan 27, 2012
    Bat nya nadelete? Was it intentional or accident lang?

    22May2012 Applied at Deakin University
    24May2012 Deakin University assessment
    11June2012 Offer Letter
    13June2012 Requested for Campus transfer
    03July2012 Approved Request for transfer with new offer
    12July2012 Sent hard copies of documents before payment of tuition Fee
    17July2012 Paid tuition Fee
    18July2012 Received eCoE
    30July2012 Filed visa application at VIA centre
    31July2012 Received sms acknowledgement from Australian Embassy
    01August2012 Medical Notification
    Medicals done for my whole family except for my U/A
    which is pending
    25August2012 e-Health uploaded to Australian Embassy
    31August2012 Visa Granted!
    01September2012 Received Confirmation

    That in all things GOD may be glorified!

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