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Room for Rent (Long Term) - Citygates Apartment 33 La Trobe Street Melbourne Victoria

MharnelMharnel EdisonPosts: 1Member
Hi Everyone,

Master's Bedroom (with own toilet and bath) at $1100 per month or normal room (common toilet and batch only shared with one other house mate) for $950 per month for rent ready for occupancy on January 15, 2015. We urgently need someone to take over either room.

We can accept couple of single. I am currently sharing the house with Malaysian girl who has been living in the apartment for 5 years. The location is perfect just across Carlton Garden/Melbourne Museum, 5 minutes walk to Parliament station, 5 minutes walk to Woolworths/QV and Melbourne Central. There is an available parking slot.

Please text me at 0413295048 or email me at [email protected] and leave contact details so I can call you back. Thank you.
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