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NAATI - CCL exam - additional 5 points for 189/190 visa
most recent by missyeur
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General Skilled Immigration Visa - Step By Step Process
most recent by fmp_921
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Posts: 1,161Member
Joined: Nov 12, 2013
You might be able to be granted this visa if you:
have spent a period totalling two years in the last five years in Australia as either an Australian permanent resident or citizen (the 'residence requirement').
have not spent two of the last five years in Australia as a permanent resident or citizen, but can satisfy the processing officer that you have substantial business, cultural, employment or personal ties of benefit to Australia, and:
are lodging while in Australia and can show compelling reasons for any continuous absence from Australia of more than five years;
are lodging while overseas, were a permanent resident or citizen when you last departed Australia and can show compelling reasons for any continuous absence from Australia of more than five years;
are lodging while overseas, were a permanent resident or citizen in the last 10 years and can show compelling reasons for absence(s) over five years;
have not spent two of the last five years in Australia as a permanent resident or citizen, but are the partner or dependent family member of a person who holds a subclass 155 visa, or who has also applied for a Resident Return visa and satisfies criteria for grant.
Posts: 1,161Member
Joined: Nov 12, 2013
Posts: 1,161Member
Joined: Nov 12, 2013
Posts: 153Member
Joined: Sep 10, 2012
Posts: 83Member
Joined: Dec 11, 2014
The period of 5 years - does it begin from the date of grant or from the date of activation (initial entry)? Thanks!
12.2014 Started collecting documents
01.2015 IELTS Review
03.21.2015 IELTS Exam
04.03.2015 IELTS Passed (L 8.5 R 7.5 W 7.5 S 7 OBS 7.5)
04.08.2015 Documents submitted to CPAA
05.11.2015 Received positive skills assessment from CPAA
05.11.2015 EOI submitted with 65 points
07.06.2015 Invitation received
08.07.2015 Lodged and paid VISA subclass 189 (Day 1)
08.11.2015 Uploaded documents (Day 4)
08.28.2015 Medicals done (Day 21)
09.03.2015 Medicals finalized
09.04.2015 NBI clearance application - with hit
09.11.2015 NBI clearance release (Day 35)
10.02.2015 CO requested for additional documents (Day 56)
10.08.2015 VISA GRANT! (Day 62)
11.18.2015 Initial Entry Date: Sydney
06.01.2016 BIG MOVE
06.30.2016 Received verbal job offer
07.04.2016 Started work
07.25.2016 Husband started work
Posts: 81Member
Joined: Jun 19, 2014
2014/06/22-CDR & IELTS Prep | 2014/08/02-IELTS Exam 08/15-0 pts | 2014/12/13-IELTS Exam 12/29-10pts | 2015/01/07-CDR Submit | 04/30-EA Result (233513-Positive) | 2015/04/30-Submit EOI | 05/08-Invite | 2015/05/09-Visa ELodge | 2015/05/15-Singapore COC (05/21 release) | 2015/06/04-Medical | 2015/06/24-NBI Clearance | 2015/06/29-CO Allocated | 2015/07/08-Visa Granted!!!
2016/03/15-Arrived in Melbourne
2016/04/01-Started Working... (Thank God!)