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Major update has been completed. Please help to report any abnormality that you are facing (in case there is any) to [email protected] . Thank you for your continued support guys!

ROOM FOR RENT in Western Suburb

Hello, we are looking for someone who can rent our spare room in our house. Single or couple will do. Our house is just 10-15 minutes walk from the sunshine train station and shopping centre. There is also bus station in front of the house to the train station and shopping centre if you are tired and lazy to walk.

If anyone is interested please give me a message and I will get back to you as soon as possible and give you all the details.

Thank you.

FB or EMAIL: [email protected]
CP: 0420-709-225

Kind Regards:


  • Ralph_090688Ralph_090688 Melbourne
    Posts: 72Member
    Joined: Jul 02, 2014
    txt message sent

    IELTS took at December 2013 L: 7.0, W:6.0, S:7.5, R:6.5 Fail :(
    Visa lodge 190 as de facto's dependent at August 2014
    Visa granted October 13, 2014
    Arrived in melbourne March 06, 2015
    Obtained first work at April 2015
    Took PTE in Discovery English Melbourne August 15, 2015
    PTE score received via email August 16, 2015
    Communicative skills: L:69, R:76, W:68, S:79 Overall score 71
    Processing APHRA requirements for eligibility August 17, 2015
    Lodge ICHC fit2work assessment December 30, 2015
    Eligibility to take IRON bridging Program approved January 2016
    IHNA Melbourne campus IRON BP June 20, 2016

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