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e457 Visa Insights please!

ruth0709ruth0709 General Santos CityPosts: 1Member
Hi guys! Newbie here. I just want to get some information from you all on how can I pursue my goal of working in Australia. I have been working in an Australian Company for 3 years now as an online graphic designer here in the Philippines and my boss and I have met twice already last year and this year. We had a talked and he said he and the company will be happy to have me work there in Australia. Now, how should my employer work on this? I believe the e457 visa is what I have to apply to. Please give me insights.


  • epiboy99epiboy99 Adelaide
    Posts: 196Member
    Joined: Feb 09, 2013
    @ruth0709 There are 3 steps in the 457 visa. Sponsorship, nomination and visa application. the first two are the company's responsibility. The company should be allowed to sponsor workers (if not, they need to apply first), then nomination (they will nominate you for the position and again wait for the approval from DIBP). After the nomination, you can apply for the working visa (457).

    This is based on my experience last 2013. I am not sure if things changed.

    17 Aug 2013 457 visa approved
    02 Sep 2013 first day of work
    04 May 2016 lodged 186 visa
    17 Nov 2016 PR granted
    27 Nov 2017 lodged application for citizenship
    30 April 2018 citizenship application approved
    28 August 2018 citizenship ceremony

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