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What is the advantage of a main Uni campus against Study Centre

simplemansimpleman Iligan CityPosts: 16Member
edited August 2012 in Other Migration Topic
Example is Central Queensland Uni main campus in Rockhampton, Queensland against CQU Study Centres in Brisbane or Sydney or Melbourne. My son is going to study Master of IT. I want him and her wife to be in an urban setting but I’m concerned of the quality of education in a Study Centre. Would there be any difference?


  • adelaide_boiadelaide_boi Sydney
    Posts: 72Member
    Joined: Apr 12, 2012
    no disadvantages whatsoever. Even TAFE provides quality education and is highly recognized. The only burning concern is that: Is skills employable? If yes then, welcome soon to Australia's workplace.

    one hella' skilled visa grantee. Happily ended up as an ICT gov't employee where SKILLS Australia is just one desk away!

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